Chapter 17 - It's official; she's a psycho.

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"I hid a stone that looked similar to the moonstone in the Lockwood Well, and then I waited."

Aella sat across from Mason as Damon, Caroline and Stefan stood around them. Listening to the werewolf explain how he realized Katherine had betrayed him.

"I don't know how she didn't notice me," he shrugged. "Maybe because she was so focused. She just ripped the lock and grate from the well, and I could see she was about to jump down to get the stone when she just stopped. I still can't figure out how she knew."

Stefan crossed his arms with a frown, "Knew what?"

Mason met his stare, "That I'd poured vervain in the well."

Even Damon couldn't help but raise an impressed brow, "Pretty rough for someone you claim you love."

"Because I was so sure she wouldn't go for it," Mason said through gritted teeth. He ran his hands through his hair roughly, "I was so sure."

"Did Katherine tell you anything else about the moonstone?" Aella softly asked him.

"Kathy-Katherine," Mason stumbled over the correct name for the vampire. "She just told me to get the stone so she could lift the curse."

Damon scoffed, "Of the moon? Now, why would a vampire help a werewolf break a curse that keeps them from turning whenever they want?"

Mason glared at the vampire, "So I wouldn't have to turn anymore."

"Why?" Caroline shook her head, "You'd lose all those special werewolf abilities; what use are you to her then?"

"Because she loves me," Mason snapped at the blonde.

Damon's laugh echoed obnoxiously around the room, "Now - now I get it. You're just stupid. Katherine doesn't love you. She's using you, you moron."

"Enough, Damon," Aella glanced over her shoulder at him when she saw Mason struggling to control his anger. Looking back at Mason, Aella shuffled forward so their knees brushed, "As much of an asshole Damon is, he knows Katherine better than anyone."

Mason's tearful eyes met hers, "Why? Why hurt Jimmy? Why not just ask me for it?"

"Because Katherine enjoys the pain she can inflict on those around her," Stefan answered him, taking a seat next to Aella on the coffee table. "You're just a small piece of the game that Katherine's been playing for a very long time."

Aella slowly took hold of Stefan's hand; Mason wasn't the only one who had been caught up in Katherine's game. She squeezed it as she looked back at Mason, "We think Katherine needs the stone to lift the curse from herself." She ignored the feel of Damon's glare on her back as she revealed what she knew to Mason. "Obviously, she didn't believe it was true when she gave it to George Lockwood, but something or someone has obviously changed that opinion." She moved her head so she could catch Mason's eyes which stared steely down at the carpet, "George Lockwood had this stone for over 100 years. He went against all he believed to get this stone; there must be more, Mason. Did your brother or dad mention anything? Richard must have known something if he had it in a safe."

Mason tried to think of anything that could help them, but he didn't. Shaking his head sadly, he finally met Aella's bright green eyes, "Nothing. I avoided my dad as much as I avoided Richard. He was the golden child. Why do you think I ran off to Florida?" Mason shook his head again, "No, all I know is what Kathy told me and what I read in George Lockwood's diary, and that's everything I told you."

"Well, this has been a complete waste of my time," Damon scoffed, marching over to pour himself a drink.

"You know, I wasn't expecting to see you here," Mason narrowed his stare at the elder Salvatore. His eyes glanced to Caroline for a moment, "What did you do to Sheriff Forbes?"

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