Chapter 56 - Smurfs can be educational

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AN: It's my birthday, so I thought I'd give you all an update. SOrry for the long wait, autumn has hit my fibromyalgia hard, and I'm struggling. xoxo


Caroline yawned widely as she and Bonnie found a table; her night had been rough. Bonnie glanced at her over the menu cautiously, "Are you sure you don't need a vacation too?"

Caroline scoffed, "And leave you to investigate Gargamel and Azrael?"

Bonnie rolled her eyes, "Did you and Aella watch the Smurfs this morning?"

"It's educational!" Caroline exclaimed, throwing a napkin at her friend. "How else do you think Aella learns sharing, compassion, and teamwork?"

Bonnie paused, choosing what she wanted for her breakfast as she raised a curious brow at Caroline, "Aella learned sharing, compassion, and teamwork?

"Not yet," Caroline sighed heavily. "Hence: educational... But forget that; what is the plan?"

Bonnie placed the menu down, "First, tell me the real reason you're not packing with Aella and Elena. Jenna said-"

"-I'm fine, Bonnie," Caroline pointedly picked up her menu. "I'm thinking pancakes."

Bonnie pushed the menu down from her blonde friend's face, "And I think last night was pretty tough... you know I'm here to chat." She shrugged, "About the wolves... or one in particular...."

Caroline could see where her witch friend was heading and picked up the menu again, "Tyler being an ass is not the reason why I'm here with you." Her eyes glanced behind Bonnie, "I'm here because he lied to you, and Aella scared the shit out of his dad."

"To be honest, Aella scaring the shit out of a grown man is quite the regular thing with my cousin," A smile tugged on Bonnie's lips, despite knowing who Caroline was looking at. She glanced at Luka quickly and saw him at the pool tables, "But you're right; I need to find out what Elijah and the Martins are up to."

Caroline shifted, "Elijah? Aella is pretty protective over him."

"Aella promised not to tell anyone their deal," Bonnie pointed out smugly. "Elijah has two allies who will most likely play a part in his plan. I'm guessing Luka and his dad know a lot more than us right now."

Caroline nodded slowly, "Okayyy, so we're finding out what Aella is banned from telling us?" Bonnie nodded, "Okay. So, tell me, oh wise one, what's this big, witchy plan you've cooked up."

Bonnie's smug smile seemed to grow, "I'm gonna ask Luka to tell me what he knows."

Caroline wasn't convinced, "And he's not gonna tell you anything."

Bonnie smiled at Matt as he walked over with their regular drinks, "I didn't say he was gonna have a choice."

Before Caroline could ask the witch precisely what she meant, Matt placed their drinks on the table and walked off without a 'hello.' Bonnie turned to Caroline, "What was that?"

Caroline looked back at Matt, his eyes met hers for a few seconds until his expression turned stony, and he walked back to the bar without any acknowledgment toward her. Bonnie looked back at Caroline, "Uhhh, I repeat, What was that about?"

Caroline rubbed her tired eyes, "Caroline: Uh, I don't know. I thought that we were... I don't know."

Bonnie pushed her. "Well, go find out."

Caroline rolled her eyes as she got up and tentatively approached Matt at the bar, "Hi."

Matt walked back from the bar with his tray. Caroline followed him to a nearby table as he cleared the plates and cutlery, tersely saying, "I'm working."

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