Chapter 63 - Scream

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A/N: Ladies and Gentleman, let's welcome Klaus to the story :D xoxo



Damon hastily tossed a robe at Katherine, who caught it with a smirk playing on her lips. Her movements were graceful, like a predator ready to pounce, as she slid into the garment, tying it with a deliberate yet effortless motion. Aella, her gaze ablaze with anger, shoved Stefan back into Damon's room before turning her ire towards the raven-haired intruder.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Aella's voice was a sharp blade slicing through the tense air.

"Little known fact..." Katherine's voice was smooth, dripping with sarcasm as she sauntered into the room, adjusting the robe. "Originals can compel vampires. But as soon as they die, the compulsion wears off." Her gaze locked onto Aella's, a silent challenge burning in her eyes. "I have you and Damon to thank for my release."

"Me?!" Aella and Damon retorted simultaneously, their accusatory glares colliding like opposing storms.

Katherine's hand trailed down Damon's chest as she moved past him, her smirk widening as she winked at Stefan. "I knew that if I begged you not to kill Elijah, that's exactly what you'd do."

Aella's eyes widened in disbelief as she turned to Damon, her voice sharp with accusation. "She's the reason you went behind my back?"

"Uh," Damon scoffed dismissively, "She blamed both of us, Pixie."

Aella's poke to his chest was sharper than necessary, a silent declaration of her frustration. "She'd still be in the cave if you hadn't listened to her, asshole!"

Katherine lounged on Damon's bed, a picture of amusement amidst the chaos. "Everyone's miserable; I'm so happy."

Stefan intervened, a voice of reason amidst the brewing storm. "You both need to calm down." His raised hand halted their impending argument. "This is just what she wants. Don't give her the satisfaction."

"Stefan," Katherine whined, her tone dripping with faux innocence, "Don't ruin my fun." She winked at him, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Damon says there is trouble in paradise for the two of you; I'm always here to listen... comfort."

Aella's swift wave of the hand sent Katherine flying off the bed.

"You bitch!" Katherine screamed, rushing towards the witch, Damon catching her before she could retaliate.

"Thank you!" Aella snarled back, blocked by Stefan. "I'd rather be a bitch than a psychopath. Why don't you slip out of that robe and into something more comfortable, like a coffin?!"

Katherine rolled her eyes as Stefan began pulling Aella out of the room as the witch hurled one final insult over her shoulder. "Yeah, keep rolling your eyes; maybe you'll find a freakin' brain back there." She pointed at Damon before disappearing down the corridor, her curses echoing in her wake. "And you can jump in there too, you two-faced shitbag."

Damon rubbed at his temples, the beginnings of a headache forming. "What are you doing here, Katherine?"

"I meant what I said, Damon," Katherine's tone was icy, her demeanor guarded. "I'm going to help you; that's why I didn't run."

"I'm sorry?" Damon's expression was apathetic, his skepticism evident. "Do you want a round of applause for actually being truthful this time?"

Katherine's jaw clenched, her frustration simmering beneath the surface. "We all want the same thing... Klaus dead." She closed the distance between them, her voice a low murmur as she attempted to reel him in. "Do you know where Klaus is? When he's coming? What he looks like?"

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