Chapter 7 - Nope. No. Negative, Not possible.

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait, if you've checked my Instagram or profile you'll know I've had some pretty bad family issues happening that I'm now the main point of call for. Today is the first time in like 4 weeks I've sat at my computer. I'm not sure when I can update again but please know this story is not being abandoned, during times like this it's Aella that get's me through the rough times, so I could never abandon her. xoxo


Caroline looked over at Stefan with a brow raised, "So, what do I do when I see the rabbit?"

Stefan stifled a smirk as he answered plainly, "Chase it, catch it, feed on it."

Caroline pouted as she shifted her crossed arm stance, "Isn't killing cute defenseless animals the first step in becoming a serial killer?" She then realized who she was talking to, "I-i mean not serial killer, but like..." She began to think of something other than a serial killer, biting her lip in awkwardness as Stefan tried with all his might not to laugh at her. Caroline whined when she couldn't think of anything less offensive and turned back to him, her pout more pronounced, "I just don't wanna be the thing that killed Bambi's mom, or Thumper.. Or Flowers!" Caroline's eyes watered as she thought of her favorite character, "I can't be the one to kill Flowers, Stefan!"

Stefan could see the moral dilemma building within Caroline and took hold of her shoulders and shook them a little, so she focused on herself, "Well one, you sort of skipped the serial killer and went straight to vampire, and second, Flowers was a skunk, even vampires avoid the skunks." Caroline let out a sigh of relief, though Stefan, very much in teacher-mode, continued. "You need to hunt Caroline, at least until you've lost your blood loss for every human you meet. Aella and I can't be around to keep others safe; if you're not serious about all of this, I think you should tell me."

"No, I am," Caroline nodded her head with complete certainty. "Look, I swear that I am okay? But it's just... I haven't been in the sun for days, Matt hates me, then Aella, soooo promised we would use your tub together because it was so big and awesome. And now she's in it and is probably hogging all the jacuzzi parts all to herself because she can."

Stefan couldn't help but chuckle. While most men would be drooling over the image of his gorgeous girlfriend and equally hot friend in his tub, he knew only the mess that would come from it. Arguing over the jets, bubbles flying everywhere, shouts of someone taking up too much room. He nudged Caroline to start walking with him and promised, "I promise, you can use the tub by yourself anytime you want, just please concentrate?"

Caroline raised a hesitant brow, "Swear?" When he nodded, she clapped as she jumped up and down, "Yay! Now back to, Being a Vampire 101."

"Well, for one," Stefan shrugged as he stuck his hands in his jeans pockets. "You've just experienced one of the main aspects of being a vampire - apart from the hunger." Caroline looked at him curiously, "When someone becomes a vampire, all of their natural behaviors get sort of amplified."

Caroline frowned, "What do you mean?"

Stefan thought of his own 'affliction', "I mean... as a human I cared deeply for people, how they felt. If they were hurting, I felt their pain, and I felt guilty if I was the one who caused it, and as a vampire, all of that got...magnified."

"I don't think that's so bad," Caroline told him. "You could be like Damon and not care at all."

Stefan snorted, "Yeah, Aella told me the exact same thing."

Caroline shared a knowing glance with him but glowered when she realized something, "So you're saying that now I'm basically an insecure, neurotic, control freak...on crack?"

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