Chapter 10 - Are you a... Una-werewolf??

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Aella was stunned by the revelation; there was another journal about the supernatural. Even more surprising, it was written the same year Stefan and Damon had been turned. If George Lockwood knew about werewolves and was one, did that mean he knew about other supernatural beings?

Aella opened her mouth to question Mason about the journal when she saw his eyes darting around the room in disgust. Standing up, she wiped the dirt from her jeans and looked between Mason and Tyler, "How about we take a walk through the woods, and you can tell us what you learned from George's journal?" Mason didn't look convinced, and so Aella quickly added, "I can tell you more about me and my powers at the same time."

That seemed to be acceptable to Mason as he slowly stood up and dusted himself off. As he walked past her and his nephew, Tyler looked at Aella in confusion, "Why are we leaving here? It's fine, and it's private."

Aella rolled her eyes as she kicked the chains by her feet, "It's also the spot Mason was going to chain himself up and suffer hours of torture." She walked out of the cell as she said over her shoulder, "Anyway, it's not like we don't know where he lives."

When she left, Tyler took the time to really look around the room. If Mason was speaking the truth and George Lockwood was a werewolf too, did he lock himself up as his body tortured itself? Suddenly the scratches, dents, and chains made the room feel way too creepy. As he followed his friend and uncle out, he made a promise to himself he would never have to use this room like his uncle and ancestor had done.


As Tyler emerged from the cellar, he looked to Aella as she stood next to Mason, scrunching her nose in disgust, "What's with the face."

Aella looked between Mason and Tyler, "What's that smell?"

The uncle and nephew looked confused at the witch, as they both inhaled both, even with Mason's supernatural smell, they could smell nothing foul in the air. Mason shook his head, "There's nothing bad around Aella."

"No," Aella shook her head, nose still scrunched. "Not bad, just odd."

Tyler rolled his eyes, "It's the smell of the forest."

Mason looked at Tyler in disbelief until Aella shook her head again and declared, "I don't like it." Then she pushed past the two and started walking in a random direction.

Mason let out a genuine chuckle for the first time that morning, "She's still the weird Aella."

Tyler snorted as he began following Aella, "Add the magical powers, and you can tell why everything we've faced is petrified of her."

Mason shook his head before he followed after his nephew.


For once, Katherine was silent after her revelation that she knew something about George Lockwood before she resided in Mystic Falls, and he knew she was a vampire. She had revealed much of her time in 1864, but she had yet to tell them what it was she had demanded from the Lockwood heir.

"You know, we can sit here as long as you want." Stefan shrugged from his place next to Caroline. "And when you start to desiccate, there's a tomb with your name on it."

Caroline smiled brightly down at her, "I know an extraordinary witch that has the power to do that."

Katherine's eyes narrowed on Caroline for the umpteenth time. Caroline had quickly realized that when she mentioned Aella in any way, Katherine became quite irritated and promptly dropped the innocent act. Of course, Caroline had jumped on that bandwagon and began mentioning her best friend whenever she could; it was something the blonde was enjoying very much.

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