Chapter 33 - Ding dong, the vampire is not dead!

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Bonnie nervously checked her watch; this food for Grams was taking too long. Ever since her skin had touched Dr. Martin's skin, she wanted to get out of there. But, of course, Sheila Bennett would most definitely not accept, 'his touch gave me the heebie-jeebies so I didn't get the food you asked for.'

She felt a presence nearby and shifted nervously when Luka appeared with a soft smile that did nothing for her nerves, "Hey, Bonnie." She gave him a short smile, and he continued, "I'm sorry about earlier. My dad is not very subtle with the whole Bennett/Salem question. He picked up on you; he was just fishing around. He didn't mean any harm."

Bonnie swallowed heavily, "I felt something too."

Luka nodded knowingly, "I know. That's why we're having this conversation right now." He looked around to ensure no one was near, "He uh... doesn't like for anyone to know." He unscrewed the lid on the salt shaker and poured some salt on the table. "But we were both worried that you would bail on us." He put his hand above the salt, and it floated up for a few seconds, his eyes meeting Bonnie's for a moment before he allowed the salt to return to the counter. "He just wants us to fit in here for once. It's tough, Bonnie, being different."

Bonnie had to stop herself from rolling her eyes as she whispered to him, "You're a witch?"

Of course, she'd felt something different but familiar. It was the same sensation she felt when she recognized her magic, and she'd been near Aella.

"Well," Luka smirked. "We prefer the term warlock."


"Here's what I don't get...." Damon pointed to Slater; four more coffee's sat upon their table. "Elijah moved around during the day, which means the originals knew the secret of the day ring. So now, why would Klaus want to lift the curse of the sun and the moon?"

Slater rolled his eyes as if the answer was obvious, "To keep the werewolves from lifting it. If a vampire breaks the sun curse, then the werewolves are stuck with the curse of the moon forever and vice versa."

Aella looked to Damon and murmured, "Like the story."

Slater's eyes narrowed on Aella, "Story?"

"Not relevant," Damon waved him off, eyes darting to Aella in a warning for a second. "Werewolves."

Rose smiled, disbelieving at Damon, "Werewolves are extinct."

Aella's mouth opened to counteract her when Damon nudged her leg to shut up. It was a move he'd done quite a few times since they'd sat down, and Aella was sure she had a bruise by now.

Leaning down with a pout, she began to rub her leg as Slater agreed with Rose, "True. I've never seen one, but rumor has it...."

"Not such a rumor," Damon smiled tightly.

Slater shook his head with incredulity, "Mystic Falls? God, I've got to visit this place. It sounds awesome...."

Aella shook her head, "Please don't. My boyfriend would freak if I brought another supernatural creature home."

"Another?" Slator asked wearily.

Damon swirled the coffee in his cup as his thumb pointed to Aella, "Her ex-babysitter was the werewolf."

Slator looked to Rose excitedly, "Like I said, awesome."

All of a sudden, Aella felt a chill down her spine.

"Awesome doesn't even begin to describe it," Damon sarcastically went on, unaware of Aella's stillness. "Can we stop the curse from being broken at all?"

An Elemental Difference - FIRE - Book 2 (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now