Chapter 38 - I support women...

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A/N: I'm SO sorry for the delay, life it NUTS at the moment. Adulthood sucks! The only thing keeping me going is my Loki boy. Writing unfortuatly has taken a back seat, this is the first time I've even gotten on the computer is weeks because life is SO busy. Hopefully things will calm and I can have a good writing sess. I'm so relieved I stored up chapters so you guys don't have to wait too long. Anyway, let me know your thoughts, your comments always encourage my writing. xoxo


Tyler ran down the stairs, keys in hand, ready to meet Caroline at the Grill. Just as he was about to reach the door, his mom walked into the foyer with a smile, "Heading out?"

"Yeah..." He nodded. "Lunch at the Grill, I've got practice, and I'll probably go out after. So I'll be late."

Carol opened her mouth to question what would have him out late when there was a knock at the door. Tyler, happy to avoid any questions, quickly opened the door to be met by an unfamiliar woman.

The woman smiled at him, "Hi."

Tyler glanced at his mother for a moment before returning the greeting, "Hi?"

"Sorry. Rude," The woman laughed at his confusion. "You have no idea who I am. I'm Jules, a friend of Mason's from Florida." Tyler suddenly felt cold as she held out her hand to him, "You must be Tyler."

"Y-yeah," Tyler nodded and quickly shook her hand, missing the raised brow from Jules at his apparent nervousness. "Nice to meet you."

Jules shifted on the spot, her eyes glancing in at the opulent home that Mason had told her of, "So, I know it's weird for me to just stop by, but I'm trying to track down Mason."

Carol let out a short laugh, "Mason's back in Florida. He has been for a while now."

Jules narrowed her eyes at Carol's demeanor as she revealed, "See... that's the thing... he's not."

"Excuse me," Carol questioned sharply at Jules's tone. "And you think he's here?"

"I heard your message," Jules admitted to Carol, causing Tyler to frown. What message? "All I know is that Mason came here. Since then, he's suddenly not answering his phone, he's not checked in with his pa-friends, and he's bolted after burning his brother only days previously. That is not the Mason I know."

Carol raised a sharply plucked brow, "Well, maybe, you didn't know Mason as well as you thought."

Jules seemed to take a threatening step toward his mom, and Tyler stopped her in her place. His mind was going a million miles an hour as he turned to Jules and lied, "Mason skipped town; he's known for that. Eventually, he'll show up. Just go." He pushed past the brunette, calling back to his mom, "I'll see you later, mom."

Jules watched intently as Mason's nephew got in his truck and drove away. Her interest was truly peeked at the behavior of the young Lockwood; twice he'd lied to her about Mason, and she didn't like that at all.

Turning back to Carol, she smiled apologetically at her behavior. She had to get into this house and find out all she could. "Can we just start over?" When she saw Carol relaxing at her new tone, she pushed on, "Mason was there for me when no one else was. I need to know he's okay."

Carol was silent; she glanced at her watch before letting out a sigh of annoyance, "I was supposed to show around an author for the Historical Society...." She opened the door wider to allow Jules in, "I suppose I can ask a friend to fill in for me."

Jules smiled with relief and followed Carol into the home.


Jenna sat back down at the table and immediately took two fries from the basket and ate them with agitation, "That was Carol. I'm playing historical society hostess to some writer who's doing his book on small-town Virginia."

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