Chapter 64 - Why are men so sucky?

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The atmosphere outside Sheila Bennett's home crackled with tension, the echoes of raised voices seeping through the walls. Stefan stood at the doorstep, a silent witness to the storm brewing within. With each passing moment, the urgency of the situation became more palpable.

Bonnie's hurried footsteps approached the door, her heart pounding with a mixture of annoyance and desperation. As she flung open the door, relief washed over her like a wave. For a fleeting instant, Stefan caught a glimpse of disappointment in her eyes, quickly masked by gratitude.

"Thank God. Please get me out of here," Bonnie implored, her voice tinged with desperation as she pleaded for escape from the turmoil within.

The door was thrown open, revealing the formidable figure of Sheila Bennett. Despite looking thin and pale, she retained an air of authority; Sheila still looked like the mighty teenager he once protested with decades ago. Her steely gaze cut through the tension like a blade. "Nice try, kiddo. You are going nowhere," Sheila declared with unwavering resolve, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Stefan's brow furrowed as he took in the scene before him. Sheila's stern demeanor was a stark contrast to Bonnie, who unconsciously rubbed her ears, "Did you hear a high-pitched noise not too long ago?" Sheila's inquiry drew Stefan's attention, prompting him to nod in confirmation.

"Yes. Do you know what it was?" Stefan questioned, his curiosity piqued by the mysterious occurrence.

Sheila motioned for Stefan to enter, her expression unreadable as she led him into the confines of her home. "Know? Not completely. Heard something similar, absolutely," she admitted cryptically, her words shrouded in ambiguity.

"You said it was nothing," Bonnie questioned with a huff.

"Nothing for you to know, Miss. I-aint-got-no-powers-anymore," Sheila retorted with just as much attitude. "Now go outside and mow my lawn; that's your punishment for being so foolish."

Stefan watched as Bonnie reluctantly retreated, her movements betraying a sense of frustration and resentment. Sheila smirked at Stefan, "Considering she hasn't got her powers anymore, manual labor should be enough punishment for now," Sheila remarked with a hint of satisfaction, her gaze following Bonnie's departure with a mixture of pride and exasperation. She led him to the couch where a jug of lemonade sat. "Lemonade?"

Stefan shook his head, and settled onto the couch beside Sheila, his mind raced with questions. "What did you mean when you heard something similar?" he pressed, eager to unravel the mystery that had brought him to Sheila's doorstep. Sheila only raised a brow. "Aella?" Stefan stifled a groan, "I should have known it was her when she blamed it on a dog whistle."

"And you believed her?" Sheila questioned wide-eyed.

As Sheila began to pour herself a glass of lemonade, her hands trembled under the weight of the jug. Without hesitation, Stefan took over, a silent gesture of solidarity. Sheila offered him a grateful smile as she accepted the glass, her gratitude palpable. "It happened after Natasha and Calvin died," she began, her voice tinged with sorrow. Stefan listened intently, his curiosity piqued by her somber tone.

"Nate and I decided she come live with me," Sheila continued, her words heavy with emotion. "The coven was grieving, and Aella did not need to be around that."

Stefan's understanding deepened with each word, piecing together the fragments of Aella's past. "Aella told me she didn't cry at the funeral," he admitted, a glimmer of realization dawning in his eyes.

Sheila nodded solemnly, her gaze distant. "Not when she was told, at the funeral, at the wake; she had hidden her grief so deep inside I worried for her constantly. Never left her alone," she confessed, her voice tinged with regret. Stefan nodded in understanding, his heart heavy with empathy.

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