Chapter 45 - Let's not threaten the sick vampire with death. Very tacky.

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A/N: Make sure you read the previous chapter as well as the A/N xoxo


Stefan quickly walked through the house, he could hear Damon fussing over Rose for something, and Stefan used that to rush down to the cellar quickly. Pass the cells they had all used at one point, a large black safe stood hidden in the darkest part of the cellar.

Zach had used it to store his vervain supply there, and previous relatives had hoarded their wealth.

And for Stefan?

He pulled the weighted door open with ease and stepped into the metal tomb, his eyes darting all around to the few papers stuck on one of the cold walls, papers that Lexi had sent him. What was so important that it had to be sealed within a safe only accessible to him and Damon?

Templar Gated Community. Templar Garden Church. The Samphire Coven. The Devout Hospital of the Samphire. Josiah and Mirabel Samphire. Natasha Mary Samphire. Calvin Bennett. Aella Grace Bennett.

For months Stefan, Damon, and Lexi had searched for anything on the Samphire Coven, and they had pittance.

Looking to the opposite wall, he simmered that there was much more on the other wall, a lot more. Elijah and Klaus' name was in the middle, and from it stemmed so much more information he and Lexi had found in just a few weeks compared to the many months looking for anything about Aella's family history.

Stefan picked up a pen and wrote below Elijah: Smart. Then Klaus: Strategist.

When his phone rang, he hoped it was Aella but knew it wouldn't be. She was pissed with him, and he deserved it, but he needed her safe.

"Lexi, what have you got?"

"Geeze Stefan, at least greet the girl who has been researching for so long her own boyfriend is forgetting what I look like!"

Taking a deep breath, Stefan ignored the irritation brewing; Lexi didn't need to know what was happening between him and Aella, "Sorry, Lex. Hi, how have you been?"

"That's better. Me? Well, if I hated the sight of cobwebs before, I detest them now. But I found a little more on the hospital."

Stefan's irritation eased at his best friend's news, "How?"

"Cobwebs, Stefan. It can only mean deep, dark places. Specifically the National Archive of Virginia, a place I never want to step foot in again. But deep down in the back, hidden in the Civil War, documentation is a deed of land for Josiah Samphire."

"Aella's ancestor." Stefan turned to the wall dedicated to Aella's history and tapped the name on it. "The oldest ancestor we could find."

"Which seems pretty strange if Aella's coven is as old as we've heard, yet the oldest ancestor suddenly appears with his wife and buys some land, especially the amount of land and for how much they got it and who signed off on it."

Stefan frowned, "What do you mean?

"Josiah Samphire was given a hell of a lot of land for only $100 in 1862."

Stefan's history facts hat was on as he recognized the date, "Which was pretty normal, that's when Lincoln signed the Homestead Act. What's so strange about that?"

"Because it's been altered, Stefan. Josiah Samphire paid just $100 for 160 acres in 1852, and it was signed by the Governor of the time-

"-Howell Cobb." Stefan finished for her. "Served as Governor of Georgia from November 5, 1851, to November 9, 1853."

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