Chapter 68 - You're dead, Lady. So you parteth!

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If Isobel aimed to leave the trio speechless, she succeeded with flying colors as the three women stood frozen in disbelief, their wide-eyed gazes fixed on the unexpected visitor framed in the doorway.

Isobel seemed to revel in the stunned silence, her demeanor poised and self-assured despite the palpable tension in the air. "Hello, Elena. It's nice to see you again," she greeted, her voice smooth and composed. Her gaze then shifted towards Aella, a faint hint of disdain flickering in her eyes. "You, not so much," she added dryly, her tone laced with thinly veiled disdain.

Turning her attention to Jenna, Isobel's lips curled into a sardonic smirk. "Ah, so you're the woman who's dating my husband, Auntie Vanilla, right?" Her tone was mocking, each word dripping with sarcasm.

Jenna's lip curled in response, her tone cutting and defiant. "I'm pretty sure Ric, being your husband, ended the minute you chose to end your life and become a vampire willingly," she retorted, her voice tinged with icy resolve.

"Uh, yeah!" Aella chimed in, her voice brimming with sass as she bounced up behind Jenna's shoulder. "You remember the vow you said: till death do us part. You're dead, Lady. So you parteth," she quipped, shooting a questioning glance at Jenna as she added in a whisper, "Is that the right tense?"

Rolling her eyes at Aella's antics, Isobel cut through the banter with a hint of impatience. "Enough of this; I need to speak to Elena. May I come in?" Her tone was firm, leaving no room for argument.

Elena's expression hardened as she snarled at Isobel, her resolve unyielding. "Like hell, you will," she spat, moving to shut the door in Isobel's face.

Isobel's eyes widened in alarm as she moved to block the door, desperation creeping into her voice. "I need to talk to you, Elena," she urged, her tone tinged with urgency. Elena began closing the door, and Isobel shouted, "Klaus is coming for you, and I can stop him!"

As Jenna stepped forward, her hand slamming against the door to halt its movement, a tremor of uncertainty flickered across her features. "She's lying," Elena declared, her voice laced with suspicion.

Aella echoed Jenna's sentiment, her warning laden with caution. "Don't let her Cruel Intention you, Jenna," she cautioned, her tone filled with skepticism.

However, Jenna remained unfazed, her gaze unwavering as she fixed Isobel with a penetrating stare. "You can save Elena?" she questioned, her voice tinged with a mixture of hope and skepticism.

Isobel preened under Jenna's scrutiny, her confidence unwavering. "I can," she affirmed, her voice laced with assurance.

Jenna hesitated, her mind racing as she weighed her options. Finally, she made a decision, her mouth opened,

"-Isobel, I invite you in."

That was not Jenna's voice. Aella's eyes closed with a loud groan, "Not you."

Elena shot a scathing glare over her shoulder at her father, her voice dripping with disdain. "You've just made a huge mistake," she warned, her words heavy with implications.

John remained silent, offering no explanation for his actions, as Isobel's smirk faltered for a moment, a flicker of unease crossing her features. But Jenna was not finished yet; her gaze locked onto Isobel's, her expression steely. With a whispered threat hanging in the air, she issued a chilling warning. "You can kill me very easily, I know that. But if you are lying about any of this and your only intention is to hurt Elena, I will somehow do everything in my power to make sure you suffer, even if that means risking my life. Do you understand?" Her voice was low but resolute, her eyes blazing with determination.

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