Chapter 49 - What happens if a car comes?

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A/N: Before you read this chapter, please know that my decision for Rose's fate was a really hard one. Please don't hate xoxo


Damon held onto Rose; he could see that even though Aella had put her in a deep sleep, she was still in pain. As she whimpered, Damon quickly shushed her and gently rocked her body; the action seemed to soothe her for a few minutes.

"Look what you've done to me, Rose." Damon kissed the dying vampire's forehead. "You just had to storm into my life, make me feel things I've avoided since Katherine, since E...." He paused, not used to explaining his thoughts or feelings. "Since Elena. But you, with your alluring accent and those sexy, untrusting eyes. I wanted to hate you so badly, but you-"

"-Who would have thought you'd be a nice guy?"

Damon tried not to flinch at her voice. When he looked down at a smiling Rose, he told her, "I'm not nice. I'm mean. I like it." He quickly asked, "How much of that did you hear?"

"Alluring accent," Rose playfully repeated, voice hoarse from her screams of pain. "Sexy, untrusting eyes...." She pouted, "Though, I'd prefer the whole declaration of feelings without the 'untrusting' part."

Damon wouldn't budge, "Nothing of the kind happened; it's all in your head."

"Ha!" Rose laughed, quickly becoming an ugly cough. All playfulness between the pair ended as Damon wiped her mouth and the flannel pulled back covered in blood.

Rose's eyes began to flutter closed again, the energy and pain too much for her body to handle. Damon wiped her mouth and soothed her, "Shhh, just sleep. Just sleep."

When she returned to an uncomfortable sleep, Damon just watched her.


The vampire's nostrils flared at Aella's interruption. He turned, ready to sternly tell her to leave, but paused. Her beloved grimoire was held in her hands, and her eyes were sympathetic. Instead of saying anything, he raised a brow for her to continue.

Hesitantly, Aella stepped further into the room. Full of regret, she shrugged, "It's not a magic healing potion... but I think it will help her in the end."

Aella handed Damon the book; when his eyes read the page she'd left the grimoire open at, his throat tightened. Quickly clearing his throat, Damon looked up to Aella; her eyes were hopeful, and he nodded, eternally grateful.


Tyler marched up to Jules, annoyed that she had requested his attendance without giving him a choice. When he approached her table, he lifted his arms wide with annoyance, "What do you want?"

Jules relaxed back in her seat, "Thank you for coming." She gestured to the chair before her, "Take a seat."

Tyler's eyes narrowed at her before reluctantly sitting, "Again... What do you want from me?"

"Just to be your friend," Jules smiled slightly too wide. "Mason would have wanted that. I know about Mason and you."

Tyler's brow was desperate to raise at her little taunt; it seemed Jules was unaware of his knowledge of the supernatural. Instead of revealing that fact to her, Tyler played dumb, "You know what?"

Jules smirked, "I know you're a werewolf, and I know your little friend Caroline is a vampire."

Tyler couldn't hold back the flare of his nostrils at Caroline's name being mentioned, "How do you know about Caroline?"

"You can't sniff them out?" Jules asked incredulously. When there was just silence, it was a silent answer to Jules, and she laughed, "Oh my god. You're brand new. How many times have you turned?"

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