Chapter 13 - Balance

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A/N: I have had an awful flare up, to the point I was in so much agony I nearly had to go to hospital. My doctors have now drugged me up, and I honestly need some cheering up. Your comments always make me smile, so I just had to post this early. Plus a favourite character returns 😉 Hope you enjoy!


Templar Garden Church was once another home to Aella. As head of their coven, Natasha and Calvin were often at the church, speaking with Father Freeman, who was pastor of their church, and the small council of chosen representatives of the community. Aella would spend her time in the playroom, usually reserved for Sunday school, but would often escape spying on the meetings. Even when she couldn't understand a word that was being said.

Her father always found her; it was like he had an Aella LoJack in his brain and always knew she had escaped. His punishment would be the tickle of death before he brought her into the meeting and sat her on his knee with something to play in her hands. Natasha would lovingly roll her eyes, and then the meeting would go on. It was a game that lasted until her parents' untimely death, but it was a memory that held on firmly to Aella.

She stepped into the back of the large church for an afternoon service; it was pretty full. When Aella saw Father Freeman for the first time in many years, she smiled wistfully when seeing his greying hair and weathered skin of old age. Sadly she realized it was something she would never see happen with her parents.

Father Freeman spoke to the people, but she knew he saw her when his words halted for just a second, and their eyes met. Father Freeman carried on, ever the professional, and Aella's eyes scanned the church, smiling when she saw her blonde uncle sat at the front, children surrounding him. He was always the adult that children seemed drawn to; Aella always assumed it was because he was as much of a child as them. 

"-And now we pray...." Aella bowed her head, as did the others as Father Freeman finished her sermon. "And just as Mary said to the Archangel Gabriel, 'I am the Lord's servant.' In trust, she yielded herself – her dreams, her plans, her very body – to the Lord. A righteous sacrifice. Praise the Heavenly Father and praise the Seraphim." Aella's brow raised at his last request but did not raise her head as he finished, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

"Amen," Aella whispered.

Soon the people were standing and leaving, but their eyes did not miss the girl standing at the back of their church, a girl who looked so much like her parents. Her bright green eyes portrayed her status in the community. Many bowed their heads as they passed her; others let out murmurs of 'Praise the Seraphim,' until a small girl came running to her. Aella dropped to her knee once the girl neared her, smiling at the enthusiasm on her face.

"Are you Aella?"

"Yes," Aella grinned at the girl, no older than 6. "And you are?"

"Carly!" The girl exclaimed, using Aella's knee to jump up and down. 

Aella tapped her button nose, "Nice to meet you, Carly."

Carly then straightened and bowed her head at Aella, "Praise the Seraphim."

"Praise the Seraphim," Aella repeated back with her own nod that had Carly giggling again. She then turned and ran to her mother, who watched the two with a fond smile.

As Aella rose again, the woman held Carly close to her, "Thank you for that. Her class has been learning about your family tree."

"Wow!" Aella exclaimed down at Carly with genuine surprise. So her family was a subject in school? Aella winked down at the beaming girl, "Maybe you can teach me a thing or two, huh, Carly?"

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