Chapter 69 - Momma had a nookie nookie with a local woolfie woolfie

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"Are you kidding me!"

Aella winced at the force of his words, feeling the weight of his disappointment. "I'm sorry," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Are you kidding me," Damon repeated, his movements tense as he rose from his seat, his pacing a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil. "Seriously, pixie."

Aella groaned inwardly, knowing she had dug herself into a hole with her silence. "That's why I couldn't tell you anything," she confessed, her tone heavy with regret. She gestured toward Damon, attempting to lighten the mood with a touch of humor. "Look at you now, Damon. Your poker face is shocking - Lady Gaga would not be pleased."

Stefan joined the fray; his brow furrowed with concern as he stood and rubbed his forehead. "Aella, this isn't time for jokes," he chided gently, his voice a soothing balm amidst the tension.

"I know," Aella admitted, her lower lip trembling with nervous energy. "You know I spurt random shit when I'm nervous."

Damon ceased his restless pacing, fixing Aella with a piercing gaze as he sought clarity amidst the chaos. "Let me get this straight. Klaus and Elijah are brothers."

Aella nodded solemnly, her eyes meeting Damon's with unwavering resolve. "Yes."

"And there's not just two of them; there are five," Damon stated, his incredulity palpable as he processed the gravity of the situation.

Aella raised her hand, counting off her fingers to emphasize her point. "Four brothers—" she paused, wiggling her thumb for added emphasis "—and one sister - Rebekah. Which is spelt kah and not cca; Hebrew - known as the wife of Isaac in the Bible, a very pretty name."

Damon rolled his eyes at Aella's tangential musings, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. "And not only is Klaus an immortal vampire, but he's also a werewolf—the one creature on this earth that has the ability to kill vampires?"

"A hybrid," Aella corrected him, her tone tinged with resignation. "But, yes. You are correct."

Damon's glare intensified, his disbelief palpable, while Stefan sighed in disappointment. "Aella."

Aella really hated it when he said her name like that; she winced at Stefan's disapproving tone, a pang of guilt tugging at her conscience. "I know. I really, really know."

Damon's frustration reached its peak as he looked skyward, his sarcasm dripping like venom. "A hybrid? Do you want us to perish in the depths of hell?!"

Aella met Damon's sarcasm head-on, her own voice laced with dark humor. "Yeah!"

"Come on!" Damon lamented, turning his attention back to Aella and Stefan. "How is that fair? Is it even a real thing?"

Stefan's brow furrowed in confusion while Aella nodded emphatically, her determination unwavering. "According to Elijah? Momma had a nookie nookie with a local woolfie woolfie and a bang, bang, bang... We have a hybrid." Aella's eyes sparkled with mischief as she jumped up from the floor with a clap. "Oh, but there is good news."

Both brothers regarded her with weary skepticism as Damon demanded, "How?"

Aella's smile was like a beacon of hope amidst the chaos as she delivered her revelation. "Klaus is not yet a full hybrid."

"What?" Damon's expression twisted in disbelief. "Is he waiting for his Moon-Mitzvah?"

Stefan ignored Damon's sarcasm, his focus on seeking understanding. "What does that mean?"

Aella shrugged, her shoulders rising and falling with the weight of their predicament. "There's a lot. It's complicated."

"Then un-complicate it!" Damon gestured wildly as if undoing an imaginary gift.

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