Chapter 71 - That dude should not be around balconies!

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"This the spot Emily Bennett was killed?"

Anna's lip curled at Jeremy's question, her expression a mixture of bitterness and resignation. "The founders were assholes," she replied, her tone dripping with disdain, "they thought it was poignant burning her where previous witches were burned."

Bonnie's eyes, heavy with the weight of the past, wearily traced the decrepit house ahead. "And you watched it?"

Anna's mind drifted back to that haunting moment, the memory still vivid in her thoughts. "Emily knew about my mother being in the tomb," she recounted, her voice tinged with sorrow, "when we would meet, she would just repeat, 'You'll see her again.' The final time I saw her, it was like she knew they would come for her. She told me what she'd done to help Katherine, and she promised she would tell me more when I returned the next day, but she'd been caught. Damon was there, too, trying to save his precious Katherine. I knew she was an evil vampire slut, but Mother made me hold my tongue."

Jeremy chuckled nervously as they stopped in front of the abandoned, run-down house, his attempt at humor falling flat against the backdrop of Anna's somber recollection. His brow raised at the state of it, his incredulity evident. "It looks really homely."

Anna smirked, nudging her boyfriend playfully as Bonnie walked ahead of them and entered the house, her determination evident. As they began exploring the interior, Anna suddenly froze, her body seized by an inexplicable force.

Jeremy's eyes widened in alarm, his concern palpable. "Are you okay?"

"I can't move," Anna struggled against the unseen restraint, frustration evident in her voice.

Jeremy attempted to assist her, his efforts proving futile against the invisible barrier. He turned to Bonnie, seeking answers in her expertise. "Bonnie?"

Bonnie held up her hands in a gesture of innocence, her confusion mirroring Jeremy's. "I'm not doing anything."

Anna's skin tingled with discomfort as she felt the searing heat spreading from her hand, her eyes darting down to where her ring rested. "My ring. My ring's not working."

"Bonnie, do something," Jeremy implored, his voice laced with urgency.

"What?!" Bonnie snapped back, her frustration palpable.

"Anything that stops me burning alive," Anna retorted sharply, her tone edged with pain.

With a frustrated huff, Bonnie closed her eyes, focusing her energy. Suddenly, Anna felt the intense heat dissipate, replaced by a cool relief that flooded through her. With a sigh of relief, she slumped into Jeremy's comforting embrace, his arms wrapping around her protectively.

As Anna began to regain her composure, she pulled away from Jeremy's embrace, her eyes narrowing as she surveyed the room. "I should wait outside."

Jeremy's concern for her grew evident, "Do you want me to come with you?"

"Help your sister," Anna replied with a soft smile, her hand gently caressing his face. Jeremy kissed her tenderly before she began to leave, her departure punctuated by a parting shot at the unseen force. "Didn't know you could be such a bitch, Emily!" As the door slammed shut behind her, Anna whirled around, flipping off the door with a defiant gesture. "Screw you too!"

Bonnie stifled a laugh at Anna's display of defiance. "She's spending too much time with Aella."

"Yeah..." Jeremy smirked, his gaze lingering on Anna's retreating figure. "...I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing yet."

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