Chapter 31 - It is not love that is blind, but jealousy.

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Stefan made his way through the woods to where Caroline had asked him to meet. As he pushed through the final trees, he saw Caroline pacing in the open space, his brows furrowed at the human behavior. "Caroline?"

The blonde vampire jumped in surprise, another action that had Stefan weary. What could have made her so anxious that she didn't hear his approach?

"Stefan!" Caroline sighed in frustration. "I told you not to do that anymore."

Amused, Stefan stepped closer, "That was when you were human. I didn't think it was possible to do so since then... apparently, I was wrong. What's got you so distracted?"

Caroline's eyes widened, "Distracted?" The exact thing Elena had asked her to do to Stefan and Aella. "Pfft! I'm not distracted. Where's Aella?"

Stefan leaned his body on a nearby tree, Caroline's words not removing any concerns he had for the blonde. "I told you earlier, she's with Bonnie. Are you sure you're okay, Caroline?"

"I'm fine!" She exclaimed, happy at the direct question.

Yes, she was fine. But, Elena? Elena might not be as fine if Katherine had anything to do with it. However, Stefan hadn't asked about Elena; he asked about her, which meant she didn't have to lie. She only had to distract.

Then, Caroline frowned; if she was okay, Stefan would ask about something else or someone else. Possibly Elena, after her hissy fit following the meeting this morning. When she saw Stefan's mouth open to say something, she jumped forward with concern on her face and an idea brewing in her mind, "Actually, I'm not okay."

Stefan's face contorted with sympathy. If Caroline wasn't trying to manipulate the vampire right now, she would scoff at how predictable he was. "I'm worried about Tyler."

Stefan glanced around, "Is he okay?"

Caroline let out a heavy sigh as she moved over to a fallen tree and took a seat on it, Stefan following suit. "He seemed really freaked out, and honestly, I felt kind of bad for him, so I talked to him, and then that makes me feel bad because I'm just as new to this as he is, and I start worrying about myself which then makes me worry about Tyler thinking I don't care...." Her eyes were wide as she turned to Stefan mid-rant, not realizing how much of this was on her chest, "How am I suddenly the one person everyone needs comforting them? I am now the reliable one, Stefan. I was never the reliable one; I was the selfish one!"

"Caroline," Stefan chuckled, placing his hand on her lips to stop her talking. "You're one of the least selfish people I know. I mean, who else would love Aella as much as I do? Protect her as much as I do? Care for her as much as I do?" He removed his hand from her mouth when he saw she was listening, "You remind me so much of Lexi sometimes."

"Lexi?" Caroline questioned through a small smile. "Sexy Lexi? Your best friend in the whole world, Lexi?"

Stefan rolled his eyes, ignoring the nickname Aella had created for his oldest friend, "Yes."

Not knowing how she had gone from distracting Stefan to genuinely being open to hearing how she reminded him of Lexi, Caroline softly asked, "Will you tell me about Lexi?" She knew Stefan missed her, even if she was only a phone call away, "How we're alike?"

Stefan simply nodded, happiness in his eyes as he began talking about his best friend. But, as he spoke, a tightness began in Caroline's stomach. Stefan would soon know she'd asked to meet him here to distract him until Elena was done with Katherine. She also knew that using Lexi as a distraction would really damage their friendship. A friendship she didn't know how much she doted on until she had just realized she may lose it.

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