Third Person POV

Everyone was hugging and celebrating, crying tears of happiness, congratulating Sophie and cooing over the tiny baby sleeping peacefully. But then everyone realised that the new born didn't have a name yet.

They all looked towards the couple expectantly.

Sophie reached for Fitz's hand and smiled up at him from where she sat in bed.

"Everyone, Fitz and I would like to introduce you to our daughter Elodie Rose Vacker"

Everyone cooed at the name, showing Sophie Fitz and Elodie in hugs and kisses.

After about 10 minutes of everyone having a hold of the new born, Elwin asked the others to leave so Sophie could have some rest time and quality time with her baby.

Sophie couldn't express how grateful she was for that. She was absolutely done and nothing could describe how the pure exhaustion she felt through every bone and muscle in her body.

Fitz helped Sophie to lay down a bit more in her bed before he picked up Elodie carefully, holding her against his chest softly. He planted a kiss on the top of her head where the blonde whisps of hair were before handing her to Sophie.

The tiny baby lay on her chest, a handful of Sophie's shirt trapped in Elodie's incredibly small yet strong fist.

The pair fell asleep like that just seconds later, both exhausted.

(A few days later)

After a couple of days at the healing centre, Elwin deemed Sophie and Elodie fit to go home. Both Sophie and Fitz were extremely excited but also nervous. 

Luckily, Biana offered to go home with them and help them get settled for what would be a long night.

Biana stepped out of the hospital, her heart still brimming with the warmth of the precious moments she had shared with her best friend and her brother over the past few days.

The sun hung low in the sky by the time they were all packed up and ready to go. 

Sophie and Fitz gave their many many thanks to Elwin, including a massive bouquet of flowers. 

Walking out of the healing cenre felt different, Sophie and Fitz had their own family now. Even Biana felt the feeling of the start of a new adventure awaiting them.

As she walked, Biana's mind buzzed with thoughts of the newest addition to their family, baby Elodie. She couldn't shake the image of the tiny bundle wrapped in a soft blanket, her delicate features illuminated by the soft glow of the hospital room.

The joy on Sophie's face as she cradled her new born daughter was a sight Biana knew she would treasure forever.

The four of them light leapt to Sophie and Fitz's house, only after Elodie had a Nexus on though.

The house stood before them, a beacon of possibility and promise. Its walls echoed with the laughter of generations past, ready to welcome new memories and experiences. With a collective breath, they stepped forward, their footsteps echoing against the polished hardwood floors as they ventured deeper into the heart of the new family home.
"This is it," Sophie breathed, "Our new home."

Biana gave Sophie a hug, careful not to disturb sleeping Elodie in Sophie's arms.

Biana moved into the kitchen to get dinner started while Sophie and Fitz took Elodie up to the nursery with all of their things.

Sophie cradled Elodie in her arms as she moved through the house, her heart filled with love for her daughter and the life they would build together.

When Biana called them downstairs, stating dinner was ready, they gathered around the dining table for food as chatter filled the room as they passed dishes back and forth, talking about all the funny baby stories they knew about themselves and each other.

After dinner, they retreated to the comfort of the living room, where they curled up on the couch together, their bodies intertwined in a tangle of limbs and blankets. As they watched the flickering flames of the fireplace dance in the darkness, a sense of peace settled over them.

In that moment, Sophie finally knew she was happy, she was home, with the people she loved and cared for.

Eventually, Biana said goodbye to the new parents and wishes them good luck for the night to come.

(A few days/weeks/months later)

Over the next few weeks, Elodie got better at sleeping through the night, eating in a more routine schedule and learning new things every day.

Pretty quickly, it came the time for Sophie and Fitz's wedding. Sophie had been counting down the days for the big day, everything had been planned out perfectly.

The night before her wedding, Sophie had gone back to her parents house with Elodie, while Fitz went back to his parents house.

Sophie woke up the next morning, with only a feeling of eagerness and excitement in her body. It was such a good feeling and she just knew it was going to get better.

All morning, Sophie was double checking and triple checking every detail set for the day. Biana came over at around lunch to help her with hair, make up and making sure the dress was secure in it's bag.

Elodie also got a dress and a bow in her that had grown slightly over the past weeks.

The three girls light leapt to the special venue Sophie had picked out, wanting to get their slightly early so they would have time to change and meet the other girls who would be bridesmaids. 

Now the nerves were setting in, but they were the best kind of nerves, nerves of excitement. Sophie had been waiting a long time for this, practically half her life, and now the day was finally here, all her dreams were coming true.

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