Della's POV

When Biana arrived home Alden and I were prepared for the storm that was about to hit. It had taken myself a long time to move on from what had happened all those years ago. It broke my heart that I didn't realise the pain my baby was in.

But with time our family has grown stronger. Each year we usually have a day together. We don't go out or see people. But this year I knew it was going to hit different.

Fitz has always blamed himself and no matter how much we tried to convince him of otherwise, he never really believed us. This year is harder. Sophie is having a baby, a beautiful baby, they're starting a family together and god I am over the moon about it.

But this big new responsibility was going to be hard on Fitz, especially because it was all unplanned.

So when our two kids arrived home in tears, Biana barely able to hold Fitz up as he shook, wailed and cried. The pain I felt having to see them like that hurt like hell. It was deep down in my chest, a stabbing pain that could never be dulled.

Alden and I rushed over to help Biana and Fitz. As soon as she made eye contact with me, Biana collapsed on the floor and Alden had to dive to stop Fitz from falling. Even though he was 25 years old, Alden still scooped him up like a baby and carried him upstairs.

Finally when we were alone, Biana stood again. I pulled her in for a hug in any hopes that our embrace could heal some of the hurt she was feeling.

Through tears and a shaking voice she tried to speak, "Mu- Mum"

I immediately pulled my baby closer to my chest. "Shhh baby it's ok. I know, I know" After a moment, we managed to let go of each other, both of our cheeks stained with tears, eyes puffy and faces red. I smiled weakly at my daughter before taking her hand and heading upstairs to find the other two.

I knew exactly where they would be, where we went every year. 

The climb to the attic felt like it was in slow motion, reliving every second that we rushed up the stairs upon hearing Fitz cry out.

When we made it to Lorelai's bedroom we took our spots we did each year. Fitz lay frozen on the balcony once again, Biana resting next to him.

Alden and myself usually wandered around her room for a while, taking in all that had been. It was a hard day, reliving every moment of grief, guilt, sadness, anger, pain and numbness, and once again, we were all alone.

Sophie's POV

I woke up in the morning feeling incredibly sick. I threw my covers off and rushed to my bathroom as quickly as I could. I threw up in the toilet for a while until I was just dry heaving. I felt exhausted afterwards and my throat was killing me.

I hadn't heard Fitz get up so I assumed he was still sleeping. Not wanting to wake him I turned on the tap in the sink and scooped some water to my mouth with my hands. 

I then decided that it wasn't worth going back to bed so I stripped out of my pjs (they were really Fitz's seeing none of mine fit anymore) and turned on the water in the shower. I waited a few seconds for it to heat up before I stepped under the colourful streams.

I washed my hair and body, shaved my legs and then drew funny faces on the fogged up glass of the shower door. When I was all finished I dried my body with a fluffy towel and wrapped my hair up in a second one.

I made my way into my walk in wardrobe and tried to find some clothes that would fit me. My tummy was starting to get bigger and bigger each day and suddenly clothes were harder and harder to squeeze into.

Don't Quit - A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now