Biana's POV:

We had everything planned for the most AMAZING party that would be hosted in the entire history of the world! Ok..... let's just say I was very excited to have the party. It was a big deal to Fitz and Sophie so it was a big deal to me. I mean it was to tell everyone that there would be a baby!

We spent most of last night going over all the tiny details. Sophie and Fitz had a vague idea of what they wanted, I just polished it up.

When we woke up in the morning, we didn't waste any time. Today we would be making the invites and sending them out to everyone.

We wanted to have the party in 4 weeks time. Sophie said she wanted to have her check up with Elwin first, just in case it was a false alarm or something went wrong. 

All of us agreed that this would be the best way to do it. So we wouldn't get anyone's hopes up. So by the time the party rolled around Sophie would be at around 20 weeks, we think anyway. We would have to check that one with Elwin.

Sophie and Fitz had decided on a simple theme for the party. It would be held in the gardens here at Havenfield and the whole thing would be themed white and gold. 

Once we had finished them, the invites were looking AMAZING. We had to print soooo many copies because the list of people was surprisingly long.

 We had to print soooo many copies because the list of people was surprisingly long

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Guest List

· Edaline Ruewen

· Grady Ruewen

· Della Vacker

· Alden Vacker

· Biana Vacker

· Dex Dizznee

· Kesler Dizznee

· Juline Dizznee

· Bex Dizznee

· Rex Dizznee

· Lex Dizznee

· Marella Redek

· Caprise Redek

· Durand Redek

· Tam Song

· Linh Song

· Mai Song

· Quan Song

· Tiergan Alenfar

· Jensi Babblos

· Fernan Babblos

· Elwin Heslege

· Blur

· Wraith

· All 12 councillors

· All workers at Havenfield (Gnomes etc.)

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