Third Person POV

Sophie and Fitz spent the next few weeks catching up with people and properly moving into their new home together.

Sophie packed up most of her things and brought them all over to the new house. She found it weird to see what used to be her bedroom, bare once again. Of course her parents told her to come stay any time she wanted or needed and they would make sure her bedroom would be ready for her anytime.

Fitz had a little bit more packing to do than Sophie as he had been living in his bedroom his whole life. He had boxes of all his old stuff and his parents told him they would store it for him so he wouldn't have to bring it with him to the new house.

It was coming around to spring time and Sophie and Fitz had the joy of finding out that all the trees surrounding their house erupted into the most beautiful pale pink flowers at this time of year.

This gave the couple the idea to name their new house Cherry Blossom Lane. 

When the two were finally settled in, Sophie was beginning to feel a lot more ready and confident about the baby. She was positively massive now, although Elwin said that was a good thing.

In approximately a month, Sophie would be due to have her and Fitz's baby girl. God, it was so exciting for Sophie to think about the fact that she would be having a little baby girl.

The couple had already begun thinking on names for her, but they hadn't fallen in love with any so far.

Sophie was feeling more confident in herself lately and she had even been back to visit Keefe again. Only once but it was a big step for her.

When she did go back, the councillors had decided it would be best if a trusted adult was in the room too, even though Sophie was grown up now, it might help keep the situation under better control. 

Elwin volunteered himself, which was fitting as he was also helping Sophie with many of her issues currently, and could almost act as a therapist or psychologist for the two.

Speaking to Keefe was hard. It brought back memories and feelings that Sophie didn't want to relive ever again, but it also reminded her of the fun times they had had together.

Both Sophie and Keefe had found the meet up valuable, as they were finally able to talk about their feelings. While Sophie would never be able to trust Keefe again, and his crimes would never be forgotten, charges never dropped, Sophie found it comforting to know the air was somewhat clearer between them.

This put Sophie in a good mood the upcoming weeks, she was brighter and felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Fitz noticed this and it made his heart leap with joy, knowing Sophie was starting to recover properly from all that had happened the past year.

And it was this change, that Fitz knew he was ready.

It was just a Sunday morning, Sophie was still in the bed, her morning sickness had started to reduce, much to the relief of the couple. Fitz, upon seeing his sleeping girlfriend, took this as the perfect opportunity to make her breakfast in bed.

Sophie woke up to the most amazing smell filling the bedroom. She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes, adjusting to the brightness.

"Good morning my princess, your breakfast is served" Fitz flashed his movie star smile and placed a tray over Sophie's lap, before hopping into the bed next to her.

"Fitz, you didn't have to do this!" Sophie couldn't help but smile, but she felt guilty. Had he gone to all that effort just for her?

"It was not problem at all, I quite enjoyed it and seeing you happy is all I ever want" The older placed a kiss on her forehead before he went back to watching her lovingly, soaking in every single movement she made.

Don't Quit - A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now