TW: this chapter contains subjects that may be triggering to some people. I don't want to give away too much in case of spoiling the plot, but please know you are loved and people care about you. Please stay safe Xx

Btw I attached a song to this chapter because it is one that I personally connect with and I thought it would fit the story. Play it if you want as you read, otherwise enjoy the chapter.

Third person POV

Lorelai Vacker was born 30 years ago. She was the spitting image of Della Vacker, her mother. She did have many of the personality feature of her father Alden Vacker though.

When Lorelai was just 5 years old, a brother was born. Fitzroy Vacker. And then 2 years later, a sister, Biana Vacker. The three had an older brother, Alvar. He was 6 years old when his first sister was born.

The four siblings grew up close, but over the years Alvar drifted away from the family in pursuit of his own future. The three younger children spent many years playing together. Lorelai was the one who taught Fitz how to play basequest, she was the one to teach Biana how to master a friend braid and apply the perfect eyeliner. 

Lorelai was always the one to look after the kids when they were sick, the one to fix a bad hair day or read to them before bed. She was the life of the house, the heart of the family.

So when Fitz was just eight and Lorelai was 13, and she was diagnosed with severe depression, it took a toll on the family. Especially Fitz and Biana. Suddenly their fun big sister didn't leave her room anymore. 

She didn't have time to play games or dress up. The two younger children were shut out of her life all of a sudden. Being so young they had no idea what was going on. Biana became quieter, more reserved. She had to watch the way it morphed her whole family into different people.

She lost her best friend, some would say her soul mate. It cut her deep, what was she supposed to do when it felt like a part of her heart had been ripped out?

Biana had to watch the way anger took over her brother. Fitz became filled with rage that they could all be forgotten, that his big sister didn't care enough to look at them, speak to them. He didn't understand why he was being pushed away when he only wanted to love his sister.

Della and Alden were distraught. Their family was falling apart and they couldn't do anything to fix it.

They lived like this for 2 years, before one day, it all stopped.

It was 2:23am on the 18th of January when Fitz was just ten years old. The boy woke up to a noise from Lorelai's bedroom. She had the massive attic space of the house that had been saved for her so she would have room for everything she could ever need.

Curious about what was going on, Fitz crept up the stairs until he reached the door to the attic. He opened it as softly and slowly as he could, peaking his head around the corner. He couldn't see Lorelai anywhere.

The boy stepped into the bedroom and searched a bit harder for his older sister. She wasn't in her bedroom or bathroom but she was definitely up there somewhere. that was when he realised that she must be on the balcony that was connected to the double door window attached to the front of the house.

When Fitz stepped outside it terrified him to see his sister, his beloved sister standing on the edge of the railing. She stood in her nightgown, arms and legs exposed to the moonlight. Scars old and new covered every inch of her paper pale skin.

The sight was strange to Fitz at the time, but now it was all perfectly clear, on loop inside his head.

Suddenly realising what was going on as Lorelai was about to jump, he screamed. 

Don't Quit - A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now