~ Time Skip: 3 weeks later ~

Third Person POV

Sophie had been released from the healing centre 2 days later, after promising to start up her therapy sessions with Elwin again. He had thought it would be a good idea to continue with them, especially while going through the end of her pregnancy and the whole Keefe situation.

Once a week Sophie would meet Elwin and they would discuss how she was dealing with everything, how she was coping with it all.

Sophie talked about the grief and pain she felt, losing Keefe like that. She had loved him, but not in the way that counted to him. She had lost her best friend and there was nothing she could do about it.

While the sessions were exhausting and hard most of the times, Elwin could see that Sophie was already on the way to recovering a little bit more.

The past week Biana had been planning the gender reveal party for Sophie and Fitz and it was almost the night of the party. Tomorrow night, Sophie and Fitz would know if they were having a little baby girl or baby boy.

Sophie was nervous, she wasn't sure why. Either way, she would be filled with joy because she would be having a baby.

Fitz was very eager to find out the gender of their baby and was constantly trying to get Biana to tell him what it was. Yet she refused to tell him, even when he persisted for days and days and days.

That night, after dinner the two took a shower together before getting into bed for an early night. They were both exhausted at the moment.

Sophie was finding it hard to sleep well because of her pregnancy and nightmares, which kept Fitz awake too. He couldn't help but worry about her so he stayed up until he was sure she was sleeping peacefully. Although he didn't tell Sophie because he knew she would instantly feel terrible.

Luckily, Sophie managed to fall asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow that night. So Fitz was able to go to sleep relatively quickly.

When Fitz woke up in the morning, the bed was empty once again. He got up quickly and rushed to the bathroom where he found Sophie slumped against the toilet, eyes closed and face pale.

Her morning sickness had become a regular part of their morning routine. Fitz would wake up by himself in the bed and would go into the bathroom and find his girlfriend throwing up. He would kneel beside her and hold her hair back and rub her back comfortingly.

Once Sophie was feeling well enough again, the two of them took a shower to help wake them up a bit. Sophie stood under the warm water, eyes closed enjoying the feeling of her boyfriend massaging shampoo into her scalp.

She tilted her head back and washed the soapy suds out of her hair. Fitz then washed his own hair before they got out of the shower and dried off with fluffy towels.

The two got dressed into sweats for the day, knowing the only thing they had planned for the day was the party that night. And of course Biana had picked their outfits for them so they wouldn't have to worry about what to wear.

Sophie spent a lot of the day on the couch with a book while Fitz was in the kitchen cooking up some mallowmelt for Sophie when her next craving came along.

Eventually, it came the time to start getting ready. 

Sophie stood in front of the mirror in her trackies and Fitz's massive jumper. Her dress hung on her bathroom door with her shoes waiting underneath it. It was the big day today, she would finally know if her baby was gonna be a girl or a boy.

She had done her hair (somehow, who knows how, it's a miracle) and her make up as per Biana's instructions. Her best friend had planned the entire event and it had been agony not knowing any of the details. Sophie and Fitz didn't even know where it was being held or who was going.

Looking at herself in the mirror Sophie saw how big she was starting to get. She didn't hear the door open when Fitz walked in and stood behind her, wrapping his arms protectively around is girlfriend and placing his hands on top of Sophie's on her stomach.

Fitz planted a kiss on her head and smiled at Sophie in the mirror.

"You ready for the big day baby?" Fitz asked, squeezing the younger girl tighter.

Sophie sighed "I'm nervous, I don't know anything about the day. I trust Biana because I know this is exactly her thing but I just desperately want to know. Then we can finally start thinking about names."

Fitz laughed at her excitement and nervousness at the same time. "Soph I'm sure it will all be perfect. And you, my princess are going to look absolutely GEORGOUS in your dress. Trust me" he said, kissing her lightly on the cheek. "The whole thing is going to be so much fun."

Sophie flashed Fitz a grateful smile. "Wanna help me get my dress on? I don't think I'm gonna be able to do the back up... it's massive" Sophie laughed at the last part, Biana had picked out the BIGGEST dress possible.

Fitz walked over and grabbed Sophie's dress off the door and slipped it off the coat hanger. He unzipped the back and helped Sophie get it on over her ever growing baby bump.

When she was in it, he zipped up the back and adjusted the puffed sleeves until they sat just right on her shoulders. The two stood in front of the mirror for a moment, admiring the amazing dress.

Somehow, she had no idea how, Biana had the dress custom made to have a second dress inside it, so that it could be changed into either pink or blue, depending on the gender of the baby. She was so excited to see how it would all work and she was starting to feel less nervous and more excited about the night.

Sophie then slipped on her shoes and sprayed a small amount of perfume on her neck and wrists.

She sat on the bed, careful not to crinkle her dress, while she watched Fitz change into his shirt and pants. He also had a jacket to go with it and when he wore it, Sophie couldn't take her eyes off him.

She could feel herself getting slightly horny but she tried to push the feeling away. She hadn't had sex in months now and she wanted it more than ever. Maybe she could get some tonight, after the party to celebrate.

When Fitz was ready and had done his hair, he held out a hand to help Sophie up. He twirled her around before he tipped her back and placed a kiss on her lips. The moment had Sophie blushing and she could feel her face getting red. She internally cursed herself for doing so but in reality, she didn't really mind anymore.

The couple excitedly made their way to the leapmaster to light leap to Everglen where Biana would meet them and blindfold them before taking them to the party.

They held hands as the light whisked them away to Biana. As soon as they arrived she was fussing over them, fixing small details like crinkles and loose hairs. When she was satisfied with how they looked, she gently placed blindfolds over their eyes before they were taken away to the party.

Sorry for not updating sooner! Had a bit of writers block and getting back into school has been super busy. Hope you liked the chapter, sorry it was a bit shorter than most. I'll try and update again soon. Thanks Xx

Comment if you think the baby will be a boy or girl!

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