Helloooo everyone! It's starting to near the end of the story :(

This is the chapter many of you have been waiting for... Sophie has been too! I hope you all enjoy it, let me know in the comments!

Third Person POV

Sophie was nearing her due date and the excitement was growing every day. Sophie and Fitz were now fully set up in there new house with all of the baby supplies that anyone could possibly imagine.

Sophie had regular check ups and appointments with Elwin and he was very happy with her progress. Hopefully everything would go to plan.

Fitz was starting to feel less nervous about being a dad and more excited. Talking to Sophie about it was really helping him and Sophie was able to talk to Fitz about everything too.

She had also been having a few visits wit Keef and Fitz even went to one as well. The tension was definetly there but it wasn't as bad and terrifying as it used to be for Sophie. She was just glad sh could feel less guilty about it all.

While what Keefe did would never be forgiven and he would probably be locked up for a very, very, very, very loooooooong time, Sophie was starting to see the side of him she used to know.

And finally the day had come. Sophie wasn't expecting the baby yet, she still had 3 weeks of her pregnancy left until the baby was due. But it happened.

Sophie stood in the middle of her living room when she felt the first contraction. She called out to Fitz in pain and he came rushing to her side.

Even though she was nervous and hurting, a sense of anticipation and excitement was rushing through her mind. The time had finally come for her to have their baby, their baby girl. With each passing moment, the contractions grew stronger, signalling that the baby was on the way, and was more than ready to come soon.

Fitz rushed upstairs and grabbed out what he thought Sophie might need. Sophie slowly made her way upstairs, trying to go as fast as she could. She began to pack her overnight bag, ensuring that Fitz thought of everything she needed for the next couple of days while she would be in the healing centre.

She carefully folded tiny onesies, soft blankets, and tiny socks, each item a testament to the love and joy that awaited her. As she packed, Sophie couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions swirling within her. There was nervousness, of course but also overwhelming joy and excitement for the baby growing inside her that was now ready to enter the Elvin world. 

She tucked her favourite bright blue elephant Ella, into the bag, knowing it would provide her with some comfort over the next few days. Maybe even their little baby girl would want to spend some time with Ella. 

Essentials like toiletries, snacks, and comfortable clothes were packed, making sure both Sophie and Fitz would be as prepared and comfortable as possible during their stay at the healing centre. Although the last few visits, Elwin had helped Sophie figure out how they wanted to be set up for maximum comfort. 

There were quite a few rooms to the healing centre so Sophie and Fitz would have one right next to Elwin's office, all to themselves and the baby. It had a dividing curtain down the middle in case one of them needed some privacy or wanted to have a sleep. It also had two beds, plenty of storage and a large bathroom. 

The room didn't look anything like the hospital rooms back in the Forbidden cities. It was soft and whimsical. The room was painted a soft peachy pink, all the furniture was white or light wood and a large window looking out onto the campus of Foxfire let in the golden light from the setting sun. 

The beds were dressed with white sheets and light grey throw rugs and cushions. Little white butterflies were painted across the walls, leaving trails behind them. There were shelves on the walls that held old books and potted plants with leaves that dripped over the edges and hung from the shelves.

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