Fitz's POV

I woke up in my bed, though I wasn't sure how I got there. I turned to look at my clock only to find out it was 2am in the morning. I turned back over and pulled a pillow in, until I realised it wasn't a pillow. Sophie. She stayed.

Why would she do that? I was a complete mess and I had messed everything up. I was going to ruin our baby's life, why would she stay?

I think she heard me moving around in bed and she slowly woke up.

"Fitz? Is everything ok?"

I sniffed and wiped a tear from my eye. God damnit I wasn't supposed to be crying again.

"Love, you're crying. Please, talk to me?"

I think it was the first time in my life that I felt like I could talk about this. The way Sophie cared, she didn't judge or comment, she listened to what I had to say and valued it. She stayed, no one else stayed.

"Sophie, I'm so scared. I'm gonna stuff up again, I'm going to ruin this kid's life. What if I can't protect them, save them? You of all people remember all the shit we went through the past years. Our parents were completely helpless"

I wiped away another tear that had managed to escape its prison.

"I- I just don't want to feel that way, not about our Little Bean" I placed my hand gently on Sophie's baby bump, as if it would protect our baby from all the horrible things in the world.

"You know I've been thinking Soph, our kid is basically fucked."

"Fitz... what do you mean?"

I looked my girlfriend dead in the eye, completely serious. "Sophie, I have anger issues, anxiety and I'll stuff up somehow I always do. You have depression, anxiety, clumsiness and a trick for getting yourself twisted into mortal danger. How on earth is our kid gonna survive? Oh and don't forget the fact that we never even planned for this, I'm not ready, you're not ready. I'm scared shitless..."

Sophie gently placed her hand on top of mine, resting in my lap. She leaned her head forwards, resting our foreheads together. I closed my eyes, taking in her calming scent and trying to take some deep breaths to calm down.

"Fitz baby, it's going to be ok. Our Little Bean? They will be surrounded by family and friends who will love them dearly, protect them at all costs. yes, the odds aren't looking great at what they will probably inherit, but remember, we will be a family. Families are stronger together, and we will get through anything."

"You're right Soph" I sighed deeply, finally realising how ridiculous I sounded. "I'm sorry for being overdramatic. It's been a really long day and I'm just overthinking everything. I'm sorry"

Sophie leaned in and kissed me softly, full of love. After a few seconds we pulled apart. "Fitz? I will go through every up and down life has to throw us with you. Because I love you and I want nothing more than to be by your side learning together while we have our baby."

God I am so lucky to have a girl like Sophie.

I lay back down, having forgotten the time, and tried to get some sleep. I think Sophie could tell I was still feeling restless because she scooched over behind me and wrapped her arms around me, resting her chin on my shoulder and planting kisses across my back.

It only took me a couple of minutes to fall asleep once again, and it felt like I was finally able to rest again.

Sophie's POV

I felt absolutely horrible. The things that had happened to the Vacker family over the years, god no one deserved those things. And it felt like I was only just seeing how affected Fitz was by all of this.

Then I remembered something... someone. I had promised Biana I would see her as soon as I could. I guess I got distracted trying to carry and levitate Fitz downstairs into his bed. He looked so snuggly and warm tucked under the covers that I couldn't help but join him. And by then it was late so I must have fallen asleep.

I didn't know what to do so I snuck downstairs and got out a glass from the top cupboard in the kitchen. I filled it was water and took a seat at one of the stools at the island in the kitchen.

I sat in the dark, sipping my water, trying to calm my worries and concerns for the Vacker family. 

Over the years they had welcomed me into their home with wide open, loving arms. Right from the start they supported me and helped me feel comfortable and ready to face all the new changes in my life. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be who I am today.

I just wanted to do what all of them had done for me, loved me and helped me heal in the hardest moments of life.

The whole situation that day had brought back many memories and flashbacks that I didn't want to remember once again. But today wasn't about me and my feelings, it was about the Vacker family and what they needed to be ok again.

After a little while, I decided to head back upstairs. Tomorrow morning I would make sure Biana is ok. I know she would understand why because she's literally the most amazing person ever. I don't know what I would do without her.

When I walked down the hall to Fitz's room, I heard a soft whimpering noise coming from Biana's room. I could see a dull light spilling out from the crack under the doorframe. I knocked gently on the door before opening it slowly.

I was expecting to see Biana awake, but instead Della sat on her daughter's bed holding her hand as she wiped tears from her cheeks.

"Della?" Her head whipped around in shock at the sound of my voice. "Oh, Sophie sweetheart did I wake you?" I shook my head, "No no it's ok, I was already up. Are you ok?"

Della stood with a sigh. "Let's go sit somewhere else so we don't wake any of the others, yeah?" We walked out of Biana's bedroom, turning the light off and closing the door before we walked downstairs.

The stairs felt like more of an effort now that I was pregnant and I had to stop several times to catch my breath.

Third person POV

The two women went and sat on the sofas in the living room. Sophie let out a big sigh as she sat down. She still had her glass of water with her and she quickly gulped down the rest of it.

Della gave her a concerned look. "Sophie love are you ok?" Quickly shaking off the question Sophie said "Yeah I'm just a bit out of breath from the climb."

They talked for a while, Della expressing her concerns for Fitz and Biana, knowing how much pain this was bringing them. There were tears and hugs while Sophie sat and listened to everything the older woman had to say.

"Della, if I could share something with you?"

"Of course Sophie"

"Well, I don't know how much you know, but a while ago I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. It got so bad to the point where- where I almost took my life. This was really hard on my family but I overcame it. And you know why? Because you, your family, you all helped me through it without even knowing. You reminded me why I was alive, why there was a purpose for everything I did. You're family is strong, and while right now, it may seem like everything  is falling apart, I know you will make it through."

Della held Sophie's hand gently and looked her in the eye. "Sophie, you are the most beautiful person I know. I hope you know I consider you a daughter. Thank you, for everything you have done for our family"

When the conversation eventually came to a stop, the two decided it was probably time to head back upstairs considering it was now 3:45am. They walked back up the stairs, when Sophie felt a strange pain in her stomach. She felt out of breath, almost like she couldn't breathe.

The world started to spin until there was only dark. Sophie could hear the faint sound of Della shouting.


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