Hey guys! So this is a pretty long chapter cause I haven't been updating very frequently so it'll hopefully make up for it! Hope you enjoy :)

TW: Depression, Anxiety, Mental illness
Please let me know if I've misses any! And please remember if anyone needs to talk, I am here for you :)

Sophie's POV:

I spent most of the day in bed. I just didn't have the energy to get out of bed, what was the point anyway? Fitz checked up on me lots but I just couldn't talk. Talking was too hard. Eventually though, it hit 10:30pm and I still hadn't gotten out of bed. Honestly I wouldn't even be able to tell you what I did all day. I don't remember most of it, not that there's much for me to actually remember.

I heard Fitz shuffling around in his bedroom across the hallway. The sound of the tap running, his wardrobe being opened and then close, the soft padding of his feet on the wooden floors. The sounds of his movements began to grow closer until the beautiful boy stood in the doorway of my bedroom. My back was to him so he couldn't see my tear stained cheeks but when he made his way over to the bed and turned me over he didn't look the least bit shocked. He only looked sad, confused.

"Sophie baby? Come on at least take a shower, you need to clean yourself"

I didn't respond. I only buried my face into his chest, inhaling his sweet scent. Fitz pulled me close to his chest and kissed the top of my head.

"Come on bubs, lets take a bath and then we can talk, ok? You don't have to explain everything, but I just want to know what's going on so I can help. I hate seeing you like this, when you are sad, I'm sad because you are the one who makes me complete. So come on Soph, I'll run us a bath and then we can hop back into bed"

I didn't even have time to answer because Fitz was scooping me up, just like he did last night, and carried me into the bathroom. He ran the bath and when it was full enough, he carefully pulled off my pjs. Then he did the same with his trackies and hoodie before we both stepped into the warm water. 

I lay against Fitz's body, in another time I would have enjoyed the intimacy and peacefulness but all I could feel was tired, numb, exhausted. Every breath felt like an effort, every movement, every word. I just wanted to sleep.

When we got out of the bath, Fitz grabbed a pair of pj pants for himself and a pair for me. While he was changing into them I stole his hoodie off the floor ad slipped it over my head. It was way too big for me but it smelt like Fitz and it made me feel a little bit calmer.

I then crawled back into bed and waited for Fitz to join me. When he did he slid under the covers and pulled me back against his chest. He rocked us back and forth gently for a while before he brought up the conversation I had been hoping he would forget about.

"Soph, what's going on?"

I felt like I was going to cry. Those 4 words made me want to break down and tell him everything. I just wanted to sob into his chest until I fell asleep. I felt a single tear slip down my cheek. Fitz gently pulled my face away so he could meet my eyes with his. His perfect, teal eyes that sparkled with worry and concern.

"Come on Love, it's ok, I've got you. You don't have to be strong for me anymore, I'm here."

Fitz's voice was so calming and peaceful. It was just above a whisper and it was all it took for me to tell him everything.

"I feel like shit." My voice could barely be heard between the sobs that escaped me.

"I am so tired. I am just mentally run down. I feel like I can't focus anymore. I can't think. My brain is just so fucking tired. I feel like giving up. I have no energy left. Nothing at all. I feel like I wanna give up and give in to the darkness and let it consume me and turn me into its little sad puppet. Cause I'm that close to already being there."

Don't Quit - A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now