Sophie POV:

I didn't know what I was going to do? Would I say it back? I mean, I did love him, but was it too early to tell him that?

Biana was pacing around the room. Trying to think up of ways for me to tell him. I was mainly worried I offended him. He told me he loved me and I ran away. I really hope he didn't take offense. But this is Fitz we're talking about so you never can be too sure.

My train of thought was interrupted by Fitz crashing through the door.

"Soph, Bi? Something's happened"

We all raced downstairs. We were met by all 12 members of the council, Alden and Della, Grady and Edaline, Juliene and Kesler, Dex, Tam, Linh, Granite, Blur and Wraith. Clearly something had happened. But where was Forkle?

"Miss Foster, parents, councilors and friends. We have an issue on our hands"

Granite stood at the front of the group as he said this. You could barely tell he was an elf, let alone Sir Tigren.

A murmur went around the room between the parents and ur group. What was going on. Granite then continued to address the group.

"Keefe has somehow managed to escape Exile"

A gasp went around the room this time. I started to feel Dizzy. Escaped? But how? My head was spinning. Luckily Fitz stood behind me, He slowly leant me back so I could lean against him. I looked at him. Anger filled his face. A mix of anger and protectiveness. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, not letting anyone near me. He wanted to keep me safe.

"There's still more. I ask you to sit down for this please. We have some upsetting news. As you can see, a member of the Black Swan can no longer be with us today. Mr. Forkle was a victim of Keefe's escape. We like to think that he fought hard to protect what was ours and we will have a gathering for his planting next saturday. 

Granite paused for a moment. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I looked around at my friends. Biana was already sobbing and surprisingly, Tam was comforting her. Letting her use his shoulder to lean on.
Granite was handed a tissue and wiped away a tear that had slipped down his cheek. He took a deep breath before he continued.

"Forkle was found dead at our hideout. It was the knife that was used for Sophie's murder attempt. And with it, a note. It read:
'You'll be next Foster. Don't think you've escaped that easily. I'll come back for you. You and Wonderboy'
I'm not sure how long we have. Sophie and Fitz will have to be taken into hiding"

Edaline and Grady rushed over to me, Della and Alden rushed over to Fitz. All the parents crept closer to their children. Afraid of what might happen to them.

That was when I couldn't take it anymore. I fainted.

Fitz POV:

I could feel Sophie growing weaker by the moment. All of this was clearly taking a toll on her. Suddenly she collapsed. Luckily, I was able to catch her in time. I picked her up and took her over to the couch. I laid her down carefully, resting her head in my lap.

Beads of sweat lined her forehead. She was pale and shaky. I used the sleeve of my jumper to wipe them away. Slowly, she began to sit up. I helped her move into a more comfortable position, making sure she was ok.

"Do you need anything Soph?"

"Sophie sweetheart! Are you ok?"

She blinked a couple of times. Edaline was sitting by her side holding her hand. My Mum handed her a glass of water. Sophie took a couple of sips before she slowly stood up.

"i'm ok everyone. Really. I'll- I'll- be fine- *SOB*"

That was when she burst into tears. She draped her arms around my neck and sobbed into my shoulder. 

She didn't stop for a long time. It was maybe 7:30pm when she finished crying. She started at 11:00am.
We went through a lot of tissues and my jumper had tear marks all over it. Grady and Edaline decided it was best if she spent the night with us as she refused to let go of me. It ended up with everyone leaving. Granite told us all that he would keep us updated but we would have to come up with a plan to help keep me and Soph safe.

By the time it was 8:00, Sophie still hadn't let go of me. Every time I tried to put her to bed, she clinged onto me tighter and wrapped her legs around my waist. There were a couple of things going through my head at the time. Although it probably wasn't the right time to be thinking them. 

I tried to calm down my thoughts (and someone else...) before I carried Sophie into Biana's room, curled around me like a little monkey.

"Bi, it's been almost 10 hours now. My back is killing me and I'm worried for her. It's like she's not even here. She hasn't said a thing. She only stopped crying half an hour ago"

"Ok, sit in my armchair and I'll get you some pain-killers for your back.

I did as I was told. Making sure Sophie's legs weren't sitting at awkward angles. I tried to unwrap her from me but she still wouldn't let go. Biana came back with pain killers and a glass of water. I downed them in a matter of seconds.

"Look, Fitz. This is probably gonna be how tonight is gonna be. Ok? You can't do much but maybe ask Mum if she has any advice? Otherwise call Edaline or Grady and tell them that you think she needs them"


I grumbled out my response and left the room. The pain killers were already starting to kick in but my back would definitely be sore for a couple of days to come.
I walked into the kitchen to find my Mum surrounded by thousands of flower petals.

"Mum? What are you doing?"

"Oh. I'm helping with preparations for the planting sweetheart"

I took a seat on a stool. Sophie still clung to me. Honestly, I didn't mind that much. It was annoying but if this was how I was going to be there for her, then I would let her cling to me for days upon days if she needed to.

"What did you come to see me for? How's Sophie going?"

"Well I was wondering if you have any Mum tricks? You know to maybe help her get to sleep? I know she's not asleep because her breathing slows and she mutters in her sleep"

"Ok... Let me think. Ah! If you grab a blanket, lay it down and try and get her to lay down on it. Then make sure you wrap her up tightly, arms, legs and all"

"Ok. Thanks Mum"

I moved as quickly as I could with Sophie clinging to me. I grabbed out a purple blanket. I think it used to be Biana's. I sprayed some of Biana Panake perfume on it to help Soph relax and I brought everything into my bedroom.

I lay it down on the bed and I lay on it, with Sophie too. I made sure she was facing the right way and before she could grab me again, I rolled off the bed and tucked the blanket around her. She immediately seemed calmer. I picked her up and tucked her into my bed. I got under the covers too and held her against me. I grabbed my book and began to read softly to her. I could feel her relaxing even more as she fell asleep in my arms. 

I was starting to get tired myself, so  read a few more chapters of my book before turning out the lights and going to sleep.

Don't Quit - A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now