Hey guys, hope you've liked the story so far. don't worry, this chapter will be FILLED with all the juicy secrets. warning, there will be some bad language again, sorry! ENJOY READING!

Keefe POV:

I can't do this. I really can't do this. She doesn't truly love me. I can see it in the way she still looks at Fitz. And I mean, no wonder she loves Fitz. He's perfect, I'm just, well, me. And Foster deserves so much more than that. But no going back now. I love her too much not to go through with this. I just hope she'll understand where I'm coming from. I mean, she was experimented on, so why can't our children be too? I just need some kids to make Keefe Sencen look like the name of a hero. Not a loser who somehow ended up marring the heroine instead. It's what your legacy is. This is what your Mom wanted. ARGH! STOP KEEFE. THAT SOUNDS SO CREEPY. I just need to focus on the wedding now and showing Foster my true 'charming' side. Leave my Neverseen problems for later.

I decided to call Sophie. Maybe talking to her would ease my nerves. We could discuss more wedding plans!

"Call Sophie Foster"

My imparter was ringing. I waited 593 seconds before she picked up. I only counted because I couldn't wait to see her face again. It had been too long and she didn't even call me last night. I would normally be fine with that but, instead, she was talking to BIANA about the wedding. Did I do something wrong? Why wouldn't she just come and talk to be about the wedding?

"Hey babe, you ok?" She's so cute when she's worried! But today she looked more stressed. what's up with that?

"Hey Foster, I'm good. I just wanted to call about the wedding. And of course to see your beautiful face." I gave her one of my best smirks. She started blushing! I don't think she realises but she's so fucking CUTE when she blushes. It makes me fall in love with her all over again.

"Oh, well I went shopping for dresses and shoes yesterday! Everything is all sorted for me. What about you? You got everything you need? I know you want this wedding to be perfect so don't let me hold you back!"

Perfect? I know I've been trying really hard to make this wedding possible, but have I really become that obsessed? And what was that in her tone? Disgust? Annoyance? Definitely the last one, but why couldn't she see that I was just doing this all for her?

"Hey, I only want it to be perfect for us! Nothing else. I promise."

"Ok... well I should let you go now. Bye Keefe"

The conversation was shut down quickly and her face clicked away from the screen. What had I done?

Sophie POV:

What was I thinking hanging up like that? Now he's gonna think somethings up. But see, something is up. Today, a package was dropped at my door. At first, it looked like a present for the wedding or something but once I took it upstairs and opened it on my way to big bed, I got a glimpse of who I was really marrying.

They were pictures. Horrible, Horrible pictures. Of Keefe. At a Neverseen Hideout.

At first I couldn't believe it. How could someone get photos like this. I studied them closer until I realised what was happening in each photo. Keefe was going to become a leader. And not just any leader. The leader of the rebel organisation that had tortured, taken lives and provoked fear throughout the hearts of me and my loved ones. Not to mention the ENTIRE FUCKING ELVIN WORLD! I didn't know what to do. I shoved them under my bed. Not wanting to think about what I saw. There was only one person I could really talk to about this. I couldn't take to Grady and Edaline for obvious reasons. Fitz, I didn't even know if I could face him yet. And even if I could, it would result in a stupid boy fight. Again. I wasn't really close enough with anyone else other than Dex or Biana. Dex, I just couldn't do that to him. Plus, boy advice from Dex? BIG NO NO. It looked like I was calling Biana.

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