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Sophie POV:

I knew what he was up to. He needed my DNA.

"You need my DNA, don't you?"

"Congratulations princess, you finally guessed it!"

"You won't get away with this! I promise"

"Oh Sophie. Don't you see? I already have."

Fitz POV:

I knew what Sophie was up to, but when Biana came running out of the house telling us all that we had to leave, I knew something was off. I needed to check in with her. I had stopped listening into her thoughts - as we had planned - when she said everything was going to plan. But now I wished I had never stopped.






Thank goodness, I thought something bad happened.

But something bad did happen


Keefe has me tied up in his room. I'm really scared Fitz. He has a knife. He keeps talking about a 'surprise'

Soph, I need you to stay calm, ok? If he sees your scared, he'll do something worse, ok?

Yeah, I'm already trying to do that

Ok, good girl. I'm going to sneak into the house to get you, ok?

Ok, I was dragged into his room. He knocked on a drawer in his wardrobe and a door opened up. He then took me down a dark passage way. He went.... left, right, right, left at the second turn and then he went into the blue door. I'll transmit what I say, but warning, it will come with all my emotions too. I can't separate them.

Ok, Soph I'm coming to get you. The others have already left to get help.

Suddenly felt a mix of pain, fear, worry, guilt and anger rush through my mind. With it came Sophie's visions of how to get to her.

Lucky for Sophie's photographic memory because I knew exactly where I needed to go.

I followed all of her instructions, making sure I turned down the right passage until I was faced with three doors.

Red, green and blue.

I remembered that Soph had told me to go through the blue door. I didn't want Keefe to know I was there so I quietly leant up against the door frame, closely listening in.

"Sophie Sophie Sophie"

"I'm not giving it to you"

"I could kill you right now but you know why I can't. I need you DNA to fulfil my legacy. I have to live up to what my mother wanted with me"

"Keefe! You're being ridiculous! Legacy? Your mother!?! I can't believe you at this point! What happened to the kind and funny friend I used to know? When we were kids?"

"Sophie, I don't think you realise this but, people change. You can't do anything about it. I know what I want"

Keefe must have moved towards Sophie cause now she was screaming at him.


"Sophie! Don't struggle. You'll only make things worse for you"


Don't Quit - A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now