Hey guys, so before I start this chapter I just wanna say sorry for all the extremely late updates. Ik I keep saying I'll update soon but lets just say sometimes I get a bit distracted or worry if the chapter is too long or short or isn't interesting enough. I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter :)

Fitz POV:

I almost had everything ready for our date night. I was so tempted to ask her to marry me already but she still hadn't broken it off with Keefe yet and I didn't want to make everything even more complicated. I set down the last few candles before heading downstairs to grab Sophie.

She stood in the kitchen in a white flowing dress that made her glow. Her golden hair was set into soft waves and she'd even put on a pair of heels to match the dress. I'd never seen her look more beautiful. 

Sophie's Outfit

When we met eyes she turned her head away and went completely red

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When we met eyes she turned her head away and went completely red. It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I slowly walked towards her and took her hands in mine. We stared into each other's eyes, lost for eternity.

Sophie POV:

I stared into Fitz's eyes. They were so perfect they gave me butterflies. I could tell my face was bright red but the way Fitz looked at me made me forget everything other than us. In my heels I was still a good 6 inches shorter than him so I stood up onto my tippy toes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. 

With a smile in his eyes, he asked "Are you ready for something magical?"

I gave an excited nod. Fitz had spent all day planning and I wasn't allowed even a clue about what was going on. He took out a piece of red silk fabric and placed it over my eyes, checking if it was too tight before taking my arm in his. 

I had no idea where we were going but it seemed like we weren't leaving the house. Suddenly, I was swept off my feet into Fitz's arms. He carried me bridal style downstairs (or what felt like downstairs). He carefully placed me back on my feet when we came to a stop and he whispered in my ear "Are you ready?". I gave him a small nod before he removed the fabric from around my eyes.

I was met with the most beautiful sight. We were in the downstairs cinema but the couches had been moved to the sides and in the middle was a circle of bean bags and cushions. There were pink, red and even gold rose petals sprinkled all over the room. Golden string lights had been strung from one side of the room to the other, making golden arches across the ceiling. The air smelt lightly of vanilla and there were hundreds of golden candles lit all over the room. 

To the left of the room, over by one of the floor to ceiling windows was a bed that looked a bit like one you would find in a doctor's office. On the opposite side of the room was a long table set up right against the wall. There was only a bottle of the Elves' equivalent of wine and 2 glasses.

I turned to face Fitz as I gently grab his face and kiss him once again. He pulled me closer, grabbing onto my waist and running a hand through my hair. I hummed against his lips as I snuck a hand up his shirt, tracing his abs gently with my fingers. We only parted lips when I tugged his shirt up over his head. As soon as it was on the floor, our lips were connected once again. They weren't the usual gentle kisses, they were hard, passionate ones. Filled with love and lust. Fitz's hands had travelled down to the small of my back, pulling me in even closer, my stomach pressed up against his crotch. 

I could feel my cheeks flushing at the thoughts running through my head. I was taken by surprise when Fitz picked me up and pressed me up against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he kissed me harder. He lips travelled from my own, down my jawline onto my neck and collarbone. He sucked, nibbled and licked his way along my neck, leaving his mark all over. It was only when he seemed satisfied with his work that he turned us around and took us over to the couch.

I lay on my back as Fitz made his way back upstairs. As I lay there, I could feel the cold leather of the couch pressed into my back, yet it didn't make me feel cold. I felt like my whole body was on fire, I was sweating slightly and my insides were tingling with anticipation. My mind was racing, a thousand thoughts a second. 

It felt like and eternity before Fitz returned, but when he did I certainly wasn't expecting him to be holding a...

I'm gonna be a bit evil here and leave u guys on a cliff hanger. Comment what u think he's got with him...

Also I am so so so so sorry for taking forever to update. This chapter has taken me about 2 months to write which is a lot longer than what is ideal. I've been having a pretty rough year so far this year and it's really affected me. I will try to update more often but sometimes life just gets in the way.

Thank you for all your support along the way, I appreciate all the comments and votes to help motivate me to work on this for u guys Xx

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