Fitz's POV:

Ok, let's be honest. Sophie and I had a lot of sex that week. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. And I'm definitely not complaining. It's been nice, I mean it's been amazing sex but it's also meant we've grown closer than we have ever been before. Sophie was starting to trust me more and more, we would talk every day about how she was doing with her mental health and then we would talk about mine.
There were some days where we would just spend some time by ourselves. Those days Sophie would talk to her parents or some of our friends on her Imparter so I just read a book or went for a swim. One day I had decided to have a wander around the house, just look around when I found an odd pattern in the floor near the kitchen and pantry. I found out that if you tapped it three times, a DNA panel would pop up and would allow Sophie and I access to a gym hidden downstairs. It was absolutely massive with more than enough machines and weights for all of Foxfire.

Pretty quickly, almost two weeks had passed since our first time, which mean almost three weeks since we had arrived. We had completed all of the cognate training coursework now so we were left with nothing to do. We had gone to the gym, swam, read, slept (in many different contexts), played games, called friends and family. There was nothing left to do. So when we got a call from Sir Tiegan we were very fast to pick up.

"Hello?" Sophie's voice filled the silence in the kitchen. We were settled down at the dining table just finishing up lunch.

"Sophie, Fitz, it's so wonderful to see your faces once again! We just wanted to inform you of the exciting news! So as you would remember, when we first proposed the idea of you two hiding out here, we said that three weeks should be enough time to get things under control? Well I think both of you will be pleased to know that we have Keefe in our custody once again, except this time he has no chance of escape. We have had to sedate him due to his temper and struggling so it should be safe for you to come back home soon."

Sitting next to me, Sophie took a shaky breath. Could it really all be over? Could we finally go home and see our families once again?

"So when do you think it will be possible for us to come home?" Sophie's voice was only just more than a whisper as she asked the question that was on both of our minds, eating away at us slowly from the inside.

Tiegan somehow heard Sophie and gave us his answer with a massive smile on his face. "My guess would be the two of you can come home in 5 days time. By then we should have everything sorted out a bit better and more under control."

I could see from the way Sophie's face lit up that she couldn't wait to get home. I mean don't get me wrong, neither could I. But I was going to miss not only the amazing house but the alone time with Sophie, the little kisses, the laughter, the memories. I was just going to miss Sophie. And even though Havenfield is only a light leap away from Everglen, it felt like an eternity away.

After talking with Tiegan for a little while longer, organising plans about what time we would come home and who would come and collect us, Sophie and I hung up and sat deep in thought. We still hadn't moved from the table, we were lost inside our minds. All I could think about was seeing my family again. I knew I was going to miss Sophie but I had missed Mum, Dad and Biana so much it hurt. I hadn't seen them in what felt like years. And not only had I been in hiding for a while now, but I also rarely saw them while I was in the healing centre with Sophie.

By the time it was 12:00, we were back into our normal routine of doing a whole lot of nothing. We made ourselves some lunch, ate and then we sat on the deck by the pool reading our books. It wasn't an especially warm day but the sun was out. We lay on the pool lounge chairs, soaking up as much of the golden sunlight as we could before it got too cold and dark to be outside anymore.

Don't Quit - A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now