Grady POV:


"Yeah?" "Remind my why you agreed to let Sophie stay at the healing centre ALONE?"

"She's not alone, she has Fitz. And Elwin"

"Still. I want to see her today. Life just doesn't feel right without her"

"Ok, well, I contacted Sophie this morning and she said Elwin is letting her sit up today. So maybe we could have a family lunch?"


We arrived at the healing centre 20 minutes later. I was praying that Sophie was ok. I'm not sure I can fully trust her alone in a room with Fitz. OVERNIGHT. But she's an adult now so I have to trust her. I guess I just can't help being overprotective. I'm her father after all.

When we walked in the doors, I don't think I had ever been so happy to see Sophie.

"Hey Kiddo"


She sat up in bed and we settles in for a family hug.

"Where's Fitz sweetie?"

"Oh, he went home to have a shower but he said he'll be back for lunch"


"Wait. Fitz is coming to the family lunch?"

"Well he is looking after me Dad"

"Ok, whatever. I know it'll make you happy"

I then received the biggest hug from Sophie.

"Thanks Dad"

Sophie POV:

Fitz arrived about 30 minutes later. He was in grey trackies and a navy blue jumper. Elwin said because I can sit up, we could eat lunch in the mentors lounge. Because it was a weekend, no one was there.

Getting into the wheelchair was a struggle. I was too sore to be lifted normally into the wheelchair so Fitz had to lift me bridal style so my back and side were untouched.

Grady almost had a heart attack when Fitz pretended to drop me. I just squealed. It was good to be out of bed.

Once I was finally sitting in the wheelchair, Edaline wheeled me out to lunch.

It was a good way to spend the afternoon. Fitz and I had lots of fun sharing stories from the sleepover and about all our plans. Grady and Edaline kept me updated about what was happening at Havenfield. They even said they would bring Iggy on the next visit.

Soon enough, it was almost dinner time and Grady and Edaline had to go home to feed the animals. They quickly said goodbye to Elwin and gave me a hug. Fitz got one from Edaline too and a hand shake from Grady. At least he was better with Fitz than he was with Keefe.

Maybe there was a small chance I could marry him? Both my parents love him. Almost more than me.

Fitz helped me back out of the wheelchair and into my bed. This time he almost did drop me. Luckily he didn't though. 

I collapsed onto the bed in a fit of giggles. He sat down next to me and we ate leftovers from lunch for our dinner in silence. Fitz was first to break it.



"Were you scared?"

"No! I knew you would never drop me!"

"Not then, you know, when Keefe... you know..."

"Oh, ummm...."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that question"

"No, Fitz. It's ok. You deserve to know"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. And to be honest, I was scared. Terrified even. But I knew you wouldn't give up on me. Even when I felt like giving up. I kept thinking, I can't quit. Even though I had accepted the fact that I was gonna die. I guess I was less scared than someone would think. You were amazing though. And I do love you, and I hope you meant every word you said"

"Sophie, I meant every single word. I meant it with all my heart. My life would be empty without you and I can never lose you. I hope I live to be 10000000, but I hope you live to be 10000000 and 1 minute. So I will never have to live without you again. I love you Soph"

"I love you too Fitz"

He started to lean in closer. That was when I realized how close together we were sitting. I was snuggled down into the crook of Fitz's arm while it was resting over my shoulder. He was turning towards me and leant his head in even closer. Was he going to kiss me? I could feel butterflies in my stomach. This could be the moment. Hadn't he said that of everyone in the room, he would kiss me? He did! My palms were sweating and my heart was racing in my chest. Surely Fitz could hear it. He was so close now. His forehead was resting on my. My breathing was shallow, so was his. His lips were about to meet mine when he pulled away.

"Sophie, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that"

"Fitz, look at me"

He turned his head back towards me.

"I'm sorry Soph, I really shouldn't have done that. I mean, you could get anyone better"

"Fitz, were you listening to anything I just said? Besides, let the butterflies in my stomach tell you otherwise. Or my racing heart. Feel"

I pulled his hand towards my chest. He looked at me.

"Sophie, are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's ok"

I placed his hand on my chest. My heart beat even faster.

"See? I couldn't kiss anyone better than you Fitz. You are the most amazing person in my life and I wouldn't rather kiss anyone more than you"

On that note, Fitz leant in and captured my lips with his. It was a gentle yet loving kiss. I knew he wanted more but he held back for me to get used to it. Taking the lead, I deepened the kiss. Sliding my tongue into his mouth to me his. He let out a soft moan.



We broke apart, catching our breath.


"I love you"

"I love you too"

He was so cute. He twisted his fingers around my neck and through my hair. My hands travelled down his chest and ran through his hair. It could have almost turned into to more until we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat from the doorway into the private wing. Any guesses who it was. Yup. Elwin. At least it wasn't Grady...

Don't Quit - A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now