Sophie POV:

I woke up the next morning in Fitz's arms. Last night had been so fun. I felt so safe with Fitz. I felt like I could be myself. I loved it. Maybe I even loved him? I rolled over to face Fitz. He was still asleep and I wish I was too. I HATE mornings. But it did mean that I got to take in the beautiful boy, no man, in front of me. 

His jaw was slightly stubbled and his hair was flopping down the front of his face. He was still in his 'pyjamas', which was just a pair of grey sweatpants. He was lightly tanned and I could see his well shaped shoulders and strong stomach. Slowly he started to open his eyes and they met mine. His beautiful, shining, teal eyes. I still got butterflies when I looked into them sometimes.

"Morning Princess"

He planted a kiss on my forehead. I returned the favour.

"Good morning"

"Did you sleep well?"

"I did actually. Your arm makes a very good pillow"

"I'm glad I could be of service"

He flashed me his movie star smile.

Pretty soon it was time for me to take my medicine. I was getting quite good at it. I quickly downed all of them and I only used one bottle of Youth this time. 

Today was swapover day so Biana came to pick Fitz up and help him with a couple of his things. Fitz had just finished packing when Biana walked through the door of the private suite.

"Hey Bi"

"Hey Soph"

She ran over to me and gave me the biggest hug ever. Oh how I'd missed this girl.

"I have miss you so much. You need to visit more!"

"I know! I've just been kinder....busy....with Tam"

"Ooooooooooo! How hot is the sex?"

"Very. Very very hot"

We both smiled. We missed each other so much. We did hardly ever see each other anymore.

"So how about the sex with my brother?"

"Ugh. Biana. That's not happening yet"





(Fitz is bold Sophie is slanted)

Let me know how everything goes. Good luck

Thanks. I'm gonna need it

Once Fitz left the room, Biana sat down next to me on the bed.

"Ok. Tell me everything. And don't you dare think about leaving something out"

I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

*Time skip to 1 hour later*

"Damn Soph. Edaline knew before me?"

"I was scared to see how you would react"

"GIRL!?! Have you not listened to me? EVER?"

"I guess you're right"

Elwin walked in followed by Fitz.

"Girls, as lovely as it must be to catch up. It's time for the Vacker children to leave. Sophie needs some rest and Edaline and Grady will be here soon"


Biana gave me one last hug and a look saying 'we will talk about this later'. Then Fitz came over and whispered in my ear.

"Goodbye Soph. I'll check in with you tonight?"


With that he gave me a quick kiss, much to Biana's delight, and the two of them left.

*Time skip to 4 weeks later*

Fitz POV:

I woke up after another night hanging with. Sophie. Most nights we've just played board games, watched movies or simply messed around. The few weeks that Edaline had with Soph, I was at home missing her like crazy. When I'm with her, I feel like I'm floating. There was just something so relaxing about falling asleep holding the girl you love. I don't think I'd slept so well in a long long time. The sun was just starting to rise and the golden glow was peeking out from under the curtains.

Elwin walked in wearing his usual attire. A pink medical coat covered in mini imps with purple cuffs on the sleeves.

"Good morning you two sleepy-heads. I see both of you slept well"

"Morning Elwin"

Sophie had only just started to wake up. She stifled a yawn and stretched out.

"Hey Soph"

"Mmmm *yawn*.... Hi..... What time is it?"

"It's about 5:30 Your Royal Sleepiness"

"Ha ha Elwin. You should know by now I'm not a morning person"

"Yes I do know that but today is an important day!"


"Today you get to walk"

The look on Sophie's face was priceless. She looked so happy, she looked ready to explode.


I gave her the biggest hug ever.

"Soph, you get to walk today"


About 15 minutes later, Sophie was dressed and the three of us were outside the front of Foxfire. Sophie had insisted that we start straight away instead of waiting for her parents to arrive.

Sophie POV:

Slowly, Elwin and Fitz helped me out of my chair. I took a few careful steps before I almost tripped. Luckily Fitz caught me, but I guess my clumsiness wasn't going away any time soon. Pretty quickly, I got the hang of walking again. I was almost running laps around Fitz and Elwin. I was so happy. I felt free. I stopped my running for a moment to catch my breathe and sit down.

"So Soph, there's still one more part of your surprise today"

"There is?"

Elwin carefully removed a white envelope from his coat jacket. While he had worry line creasing his forehead, Fitz had the biggest grin on his face. He looked me in the eyes and took my hands in his.

"Soph, you get to go home tomorrow"

I was in shock. There was silence for a moment before what Fitz had said really kicked in. I was going home! Home to Havenfield. With Mum and Dad, Iggy, Calla's tree, Verdi. But best of all, I would be home.

"Wait. So you're telling me I get to go home tomorrow? It's not a trick? Cause if it isa trick then that's really really mean and I don't think I could ever forgi-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Fitz cut me off.

"Yes, you get to go home"

I was so happy. I felt like I was on top of the world. I would really be going home. No tricks. I could walk. I was free. I felt like nothing could wipe the grin off my face. Except for what was coming next.

I started to calm down and realised Elwin was still looking worried. His hands were gripping tightly to the letter in his hands. What could it be?

"Hang on, so what's that you're holding Elwin?"

"This, Sophie, is a letter from the council"

Why did he sound so nervous? His voice was shaking and he was looking pale. I could see a sheet of sweat coating his face and neck. What could the letter be about? Why would it make him look this worried?

"Who for?"


Don't Quit - A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now