WARNING! Mature themes

Please don't read unless you are prepared for this

Enjoy the chapter!

Biana POV:

I made my way upstairs. I was nervous. Tam and I had a fight about a week ago now and we were only just getting over it. But I called him anyway. That was how it all started though. A phone call.

~ Back in time 1 week ago ~

I was in my bedroom after visiting Sophie again. When was she going to wake up? I heard a knock at the door. It must be Tam. I asked him to come over. I try and do that more now that the house is empty. I feel so lonely sometimes and I just need someone to talk to.

Today had been another tough day at the healing center. Grady came in for a visit again. He always get angry whenever he has to see Sophie hooked up to all those machines.

As elves we don't use them for medicine. Instead we use elixirs and other stuff like that. It must be hard for him. The Neverseen have hurt his family too many times.

Normally, it starts out ok. He'll sit with Edaline, never letting go of her hand. Soon enough though, Grady will start to lose his cool in the middle of it all. It usually ends up with Elwin sedating him. The worst part is the screams. And the effect it has on everyone else.

It's hard to stand by and watch Elwin try and calm Grady down while he is screaming, Edaline crying and trying to get a hold of Grady. 

Fitz takes it the worst though. He's been having major panic attacks lately. Everything just brings back his horrible memories of the day when we went to see Keefe. The day when Sophie was almost killed.

Whenever Grady gets into his worked up mood, Fitz starts to shake. He won't stop and then the tears come. 

In the end, the whole situation usually finished with a sedated Grady, sedated Fitz, Edaline drinking tea and me, sitting in the corner of the room praying, that Sophie will wake up soon.

That was how it all went today. Usually I would come home and update my parents but Dad was on a job for the councillors and Mum was in Atlantis for the week staying with a friend. So it was just me in the big lonely house.

That was when the idea of inviting Tam over popped into my head. I've been doing it all week long and I'm not sure when my parents will get home so he sometimes stays for a couple of nights.

I was sitting on my bed with 

"Come in"

"Hey Babe, how are you? I got your call..."

I let out a long sigh. Tam plonked himself down in the bed next to me.

"Tam, I'm so tired of all this. I don't know how you can even bare me anymore"

"Biana, I don't have to bare you or put up with you. You don't feel like that to me"


Sometimes I wonder what happened to the grumpy emo Tam that I knew when I was younger.

"Anyway, I had a few ... Ideas ... about what we could do?"

"Oh yeah?"

~ Time skip to 1 hour later ~

"FUCK! TAM......."


So yeah... that all happened quickly. Luckily my parents and brother were out.


"Yes Baby? UGH"

"FUCK TAM. WE... UGH... NEED TO... UGH... STOP..."

Tam was quick to respond. He pulled out and and I lay on the bed unsatisfied. But I had something else on my mind.

"Tam, I'm not on the pill and we haven't used any other forms of protection"



"Well, is it really a problem. I mean we are gonna get married so we don't need to worry if you're pregnant"

"HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT MARRIAGE! YOU HAVEN'T PROPOSED YET. I mean you could hardly call us a serious relationship!"

"What the fuck Biana?"

"Well it's true. We're not engaged, I can't remember the last time we went on a date and I only see you now after healing center visits. Do you just see me as a fuck mate?"


"Well that's how you treat me!"

"Fine. Clearly you don't care about this so maybe it should be over!"

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK TAM? I never said anything like that! I just think we could change some things. I don't mind sex before marriage but at least use protection! And stop assuming things about me. How do you even know if I would say yes if you asked me to marry you?"

"STOP BEING SUCH A BITCH BIANA! You need to calm down"


"Fuck you Biana. You're such a Bitch"

And he left with the slam of a door.

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