Sophie POV:

I woke up to feel strong arms wrapped around me. I turned my head to see Fitz fast asleep, holding me close. My back was pressed up against his chest and my head was resting on one of his strong arms like a pillow. What I would give to wake up like this every day. I breathed in deeply, the smell of vanilla and cinnamon filled my nose once again.

I was still feeling a little groggy from my medicine last night so I tried to remember as much as I could. Then a particular memory popped into my mind. Oh my goodness. I had kissed Fitz Vacker. Holy shit. Butterflies filled my stomach once again. What did this mean for us?

I could feel Fitz sturing behind me. I slowly turned to face him as he awoke.


"Good morning my princess"

His sleep-rich voice made me shiver, crave his touch once again. With his arms wrapped around my waist and mine wrapped around his neck, we couldn't have gotten any closer. I felt loved, cherished. I leant in to meet his lips with mine. Fitz planted soft kisses on my lips and forehead. Butterflies filled my stomach. I sighed with contentment.

"I love you Fitz"

"I love you too Soph"

We lay in bed a little longer before Fitz got up to take a shower. While he was doing that, I busied myself with calling Biana. It had been too long since I had last talked to her.

"Hey Soph!"

"Hey Bi"

"What's up? How are you feeling? And most importantly...... how's my brother treating you???"

I didn't really want to say anything to Biana until Fitz and I had cleared everything up and knew where we stood in a relationship. I just kept answers as simple as possible and I tried not to let her on with anything. 

"Well, Not much has happened. Ummm..... I've had about 3 weeks awake now? So I'm feeling pretty good. I mean my side is still killing me sometimes but the pain goes away fairly quickly. Also, me and your brother are doing just fine by ourselves. Elwin is usually in his office so we spend most days reading, chatting or doing cognate exercises. Other than that... nothing"

"Ugh. I just wish he would do something already! I mean come one, we all know he's been in love with you for like 10 years now"

"Uh-huh. Well, it doesn't really bother me that much right now cause technically speaking, I'm still engaged"

"Shit you are! I completely forgot! So when are you gonna break that up?"

"Honestly? I have no idea. I was thinking maybe before or after the tribunal in about two weeks I think?"

"Ok..... I guess that could work!"

"Anyway, enough about me. How are you and Tam??? I NEED to know what's happening between you guys!"

"Well, we had a fight a little while ago. I mean we're good now so it's ok but that was a big thing for us. Ummmm... what else?"

"Have you guys been out? Like on any dates?"

"We've had a few! Tam took me to this really nice restaurant in Atlantis. That was so much fun. We went for a 'romantic' walk after. Then he took me home and it may or may not have taken us a while to say goodnight"

"OOOOH! So there's been lots of kissing! Good"

It went silent for a while. All I could think about was Fitz. ARGH! Why did that boy have to mess with my head so much?

"Soph? Sophie? Are you ok? You went quiet"

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just... thinking"

"OK. Well I wish we could chat longer but Mum is home with weekend so she promised me that we could go shopping together"

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