Biana POV:

My brother has barely been home the past month. Sophie still hasn't woken up and Fitz blames himself.

I've been to visit at least 5/7 days a week. I try to spend time at home helping around the house. It's mainly to keep busy. If I don't I'll end up on the same path Fitz is on.

That was when I got a call. Elwin said it was an emergency. He sounded tired and worried. I could hear Fitz crying from the other end of the phone. I really wanted to know what was going on so I grabbed a couple of slices of freshly baked Mallowmelt and I was up at the leapmaster.

When I re-materialized inside Foxfire, I rushed straight for the healing center. I was spring break so there were only a few students doing extra study before school went back. I didn't miss it at all.

I prepared myself before walking into the room. I could already hear the cries coming from within the healing center. I slowly pushed open the door. The scene I walked in on looked like this.

Fitz and Edaline hugging and crying. Elwin rushing around the room and bullhorn, sitting next to Sophie's bed. Grady wasn't there but Linh and Marella were there. They were sitting on one of the other beds on the other side of the room. Marella had a book in one hand and her imparter in the other. Linh was doing a puzzle and walk listening to music from a present Dex gave her a while ago. It looked very similar to what the humans would call an iPod and headphones.

When I entered the room fell silent. Nothing looked very different other than Marella and Linh. What could the emergency be?

"Anyone care to fill me in? Elwin, you said that there was an emergency?"

"Ah, yes. Sorry Biana."

"Wait- huh?"

"I found a small shard of metal and a tracking device in Sophie's heart. I'm sorry"

"No! Can you fix her Elwin?"

 I was panicking. What if Sophie was going to die? What would I do without her?

"Please, tell me you can save her!"

"Why don't you say goodbye to her now. I'm not sure if she'll be here much longer."

I was about to cry. My best friend in the whole world was dying. Soon, she would be dead. I walked over to her bed. Sophie's whole torso was bandaged up and there were a whole heap of beeping machines around her. They must be a human thing. Elwin really we desperate if he had used a human invention to keep Sophie alive.

Fitz and Edaline stepped back from Sophie's side so I could sit next to her. I sat right next to her in the bed. I carefully leant my head on her shoulder and whispered into her ear.

"Sophie, you are the most amazing person I have ever known. The strongest. Please, pull through for me?"

What came next shocked me.

"Well Biana, I was thinking I would pull through for Fitz or maybe Edaline but I guess I could for you. I'm just glad Elwin to stopped the dramatics already so I could get my hug!"


I hugged her even tighter than ever before.


"Oh! Sorry Soph! I can't believe you're awake!"


She seemed to be pretty weak and she looked like she hadn't slept in days. Although, she'd been asleep for almost two months now. Elwin somehow managed to pull me of Sophie so she could take her medicine and get some proper rest.

"FITZ!?! Why didn't you tell me Soph was awake?"

"Well,  we wanted it to be a surprise for you. It was Sophie's idea."

"I'll admit you did well, but did you guys have to make it DEATH?"

"Oh Biana sweetheart. I told the boys not to do this but when Sophie insisted we prank you, I couldn't say no. Sorry!"

"It's ok Edaline! Wait- so there was no metal, or tracking device?"

Elwin came over to me and patted me on the shoulder. He was laughing so hard.

"No! I think it was three days ago that Fitz tried transmitting to Sophie. He said something had changed so we tried again yesterday and she responded! We were so happy but I told Fitz we couldn't wake her up right away. But then when we all woke up this morning, Sophie was awake too."

I was so over the moon that Sophie was FINALLY awake!

"Do my parents know yet? And what about Tam and Dex?"

"The only people who know are everyone in this room, Tam, Dex, Grady, Alden and Della. We were going to tell the councillors but we thought we should wait another week before we tell them that Sophie is ok."

"Ok, so when can she leave?"

"My guess would be about 6 weeks based on her condition. But things could go better or worse so probably anywhere from 4-12 weeks."


"Not yet. I didn't want to freak her out. She already seems pretty shaken."

"Yeah, I guess."

I spent a bit longer at the healing center before Elwin sent me, Linh and Marella home. Fitz begged to stay the night again so I quickly helped gathering some things from home. There was a LOT of hair products that he needed. I also brought him some Mallowmelt for Sophie for when she felt up to it.

To be honest, I was jealous of Fitz. It was no fair that I couldn't stay the night too but then again, I didn't want to overwhelm Soph. I just hoped that Fitz would take care of her.

I quickly said goodbyes after Fitz was all set and I leapt home to Everglen.

I made my way into the kitchen when I got home to find my Mum and dad talking. Again. They keep mentioning something about the councillors and Keefe. Sophie too. I really want to know what's going on but I never get told anything.

"Hey Mum, hey Dad"

"Sweetie! How's everything going over at the healing center?"

"Um, it's good. I still can't believe Sophie is awake!"

"Yes, it is good. Now, Biana, we have been thinking a lot lately and we just want you to be more careful, ok? We don't want anything bad to happen to you are your brother"

"Geez! Dad, when did you turn into Grady?"

"Biana, please be careful? We only want you to be safe because we love you. Ok sweetheart?"

"Yes Mum"

"Biana, I only popped over this afternoon to see Edaline and grab some extra stuff or Atlantis and your father wanted to see how you were doing"

"Oh. So you're not staying?"

"Sorry sweetie. We love you though"

"I know. I love you guys too"

"Anyway, I should get back on my job and you Della, should head to Atlantis before Mika starts to wonder where you got to"

"Right! Bi, we'll be back maybe at the end of the week. Mika is still struggling with her new baby and her job so I'm not sure when I'll be back"

"And I'll be away for at least the next week or so"

"Ok, thanks Mum, thanks Dad"

The left quickly after that and then it was just me. Again. I decided to call Tam.

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