TW: this chapter contains subjects that may be triggering to some people. I don't want to give away too much in case of spoiling the plot, but please know you are loved and people care about you. Please stay safe Xx

Also I am no expert on pregnancies so I'm kinda just making stuff up as I go.. sorry!

Fitz's POV

We sat once again in the healing centre, waiting for Sophie to wake up again. 

I had been terrified when I was woken by my Mum's screaming in the middle of the night. It woke up the whole house and the four of us immediately rushed Sophie to the healing centre. When we got there Mum called Edaline and Grady, telling them what had happened. They met us here mere seconds later.

Now all 6 of us were crowded around Sophie's bed hoping that she would wake up soon. Elwin said he would get any results back to us as soon as possible, but he expressed to us that he believed she should be up in the next 72 hours.

We were all grateful to hear that from him.

Eventually Mum, Dad and Biana headed back home to catch up on the hours of sleep that they had lost while Edaline, Grady and I stayed at the healing centre with Soph.

Grady did a lot of pacing, Edaline held onto Sophie's hand and I lay in the bed next to her, resting my head on her chest, listening to hear steady heartbeats and feeling the rise and fall of her breaths.

~Time Skip: 36 hours later~

I was laying next to Sophie again. Edaline sat in the corner reading a book and Grady was studying some scrolls for work at a desk Elwin had set up for him.

And then all of a sudden, Sophie began to move.

"Mmmm... what- what's going on? Where am I?"

As soon as everyone heard Sophie's croaky, sleep filled voice, we were alert and right next to her. Elwin came rushing over, snapping his fingers as different lights appeared all over Sophie.

"Well Ms Foster, it seems you're back here again. Welcome! You've been asleep for about 2 days now. Don't worry I've run all the tests and you should be heading home in a day or two"

I sighed a huge sigh of relief upon hearing that. "And Elwin, what about our baby?" I needed to know that our Little Bean would be ok.

"Fitz, I'm afraid that this event was because of the pregnancy. If a large amount of stress, trauma or any time of wound was inflicted on Sophie the past weeks, it could have lead to this. I will continue to look for the source. Although, with some time to process both Sophie and the baby should be completely fine."

All of us nodded in relief. Thank goodness everything was going to be ok. But there was one things bugging me in the back of my mind and I needed to ask Sophie, but I didn't want to do it with her parents in the room. I had a feeling I knew what was going on, but I didn't know for sure.

I stepped outside with Elwin, telling him this and he said he could make that possible for me. He also said he would be in another room, so the two of us had some privacy to discuss everything.

We went back inside and spent a bit more time talking to Sophie before she decided to have a nap.

"Mr and Mrs Ruewen, why don't you head home for the night? You can come back in the morning and it might give Fitz and Sophie some time to talk about the baby when she wakes up."

"Are you sure that would be ok Elwin?"

"Edaline, you need to rest. You do too Grady. Go home, eat a nice meal and get some sleep. I'll make sure Sophie stays safe and I'll call you if anything happens"

The two agreed and Shook hand with Elwin, giving him their thanks before hugging Sophie goodbye as she slept. I walked them to the door of the healing centre, giving them a hug each, thanking them for everything.

When they had left, I went back inside and picked up a book and began to read. I was a few chapters in when I heard Sophie moving around.


I put my book down and crept over to her bed, hopping in under the covers beside her. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?"

"Mm I'm ok I guess..."

"Sophie, what's going on? What's caused this?"

Sophie whimpered and a tear slipped down her cheek. I sat us both up and I pulled her onto my lap as she cried into my chest. "Fitz... I- I- I'm sorry. I couldn't help it" She sobbed harder, tears soaking through my shirt.

"Couldn't help what baby?"

Sophie pulled back and slowly stood up. Then she began to pull down her pants, and there alone the inside her thighs, were scars upon scars. I knew about these, because of... well you know. 

When we were staying in the hideout all those months ago, we had had many late night conversations. Sophie's self harm had come up, after the first time we had sex actually. 

I had seen the scars of course, but I decided not to mention them, not wanting to make Sophie insecure in the moment. But then the next night, I asked. I didn't want her to go through something and not be able to tell me and then result in hurting herself.

She promised me she would tell me if it ever got bad again, and I took her word on it. Yet here we were. Of course I wasn't mad at her, I knew she couldn't really help it. But it still hurt knowing she thought she had to go through something alone again

The old scars where white and paler, all healed up. But I could see new ones, only days old. They were red and angry, scabs starting to form on them.

I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I was shaking as I stood and walked over to where my girlfriend stood, I knelt down in front of her and ran my fingers over her scars, tracing each one, whishing I could erase them.

My voice was breaking as I spoke, tears now pouring down my face. "Sophie, why? Why would you do this to yourself? You're too beautiful, please why?" It was breaking my heart.

I looked up at her and met her golden brown eyes, they were filled with tears and pain. She could barely get her words out as she spoke. "I'm sorry. I- I couldn't stop myself. It was too much."

I stood and placed my hands on Sophie's shoulders. "Sophie, what was too much?"

"I- I went to see Keefe."

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