Sophie POV:

I couldn't feel anything. I was numb. Anything and everything seemed so small and irrelevant. It passed me by without a problem. Nothing could reach me. It was like I had surrounded myself in an emotionless bubble to protect me from the world.
The only person I felt was Fitz. He got this. He got me. Fitz was my life support, keeping me alive. Maybe I wasn't really there. Maybe I shut everyone out but I was alive.

Everything that was happening was almost in slow motion, but all sped up at the same time. My brain couldn't process anything that was happening. It was like watching my own life right in front of me.
I couldn't keep track of the time. The days faded into the nights, losing any realization of my surroundings. Until it all stopped. My feelings weren't numb anymore. It was anger, guilt, sadness but also relief. I have no idea what happened but my world was slowly coming back to me. I hit rock bottom and I was slowly coming up for air.

I remember it being 16 days after Forkle's death that I was back to myself again. We had a beautiful ceremony for Forkle where we planted his tree next to his brother's. That was the last day that I felt truly sad.

Then we got another note. I found it resting on my pillow when I came home from the ceremony. I called out to Mum and Dad and they rushed upstairs to see what was wrong. Edaline went pale and Grady seemed ready to rip someone's head off. All I could feel was terrified. I needed to call a meeting.

Sorry this is another short one. I'm on holidays and I'm stuck in how to write the next parts. Ik what I want to write but ikd how

anyway hope you like it!

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