Sophie's POV:

"Bi... I don't know how to tell you this so I'm just gonna say it. I'm pregnant"


After I threw up I immediately knew something was wrong, and considering I'd had a lot of sex recently, it wasn't worth the risk. So I pulled out what the Elves used for pregnancy tests and took it.

While I was waiting for the results to show up, I tried to think how I could even be pregnant, we used condoms and everything. Wait. The other night, I was so lost in the moment I don't remember using one. SHIT. Ok ok It's fine. I'm sure I'm just sick. Yeah nah. The test came back positive. I didn't know what to do... what would I tell Fitz? What would I tell Mum and Dad? Or Della and Alden? What was I supposed to do? I wasn't anywhere near ready to have a baby, I wasn't even married yet, I was only 23...FUCK.

I heard Marella knocking on the door and it snapped me out of my spiralling thoughts. "Soph, are you ok? Do you need some help?"

I stuffed the test in a drawer and opened the door. I put on my best fake smile and walked out of the bathroom to join the others. I sat back down where I was before and as I did, Biana and Fitz walked back in. I caught Fitz's eye and suddenly his voice filled my head.

(Sophie is Italics and Fitz is Bold)

Are you sure you're ok? You look a bit pale

Yeah I'm sure I'll feel better in the morning, I must have eaten something that set my stomach off. I'm fine. I'll be fine.

If I'm being honest, I think I was telling myself that more than I was telling Fitz. We made eye contact again, across the little circle we were all sitting in. He looked genuinely worried about me. But at the same time he almost looked scared. God I really hope he was ready to be a father.


Before I could say anything else, Biana wrapped herself around me, hugging me so tight it almost squeezed all the air out of my lungs. I lung onto her for a while, not ready to let go yet. She made me forget about all the issues this was about to cause and I didn't want to remember them again.

Eventually we let go of each other and Biana took my hands in her. She looked me dead in the eye when she said "Sophie, I promise you everything is going to be ok". I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I felt relieved that she wasn't mad that I had fucked her brother and was now having her baby. She wasn't weirded out by the fact that I hadn't even broken off my other marriage yet. She wasn't telling me what to do, she was just there. She wanted to help and she was ready to in every way possible.

We spent most of the night planning what to do next. I mean was I even going to keep the baby? I decided that I would tell Fitz first (somehow) before making any decisions. And then once I'd told Fitz I would tell my parents and then Della and Alden. Finally, I would tell all my friends, I'm just hoping everyone will be as supportive as Biana was.

I found it really hard to sleep that night, I just couldn't stop thinking about my baby. I really hoped I would be a good mother. Eventually, I did fall asleep but morning came way too quickly for my liking. When I woke up, Biana was already out of bed, wandering around the house somewhere. Just as I was about to get out of bed and find her, she walked through the bedroom door, holding a massive basket of stuff.

"Oh good, you're up! So as you can see I've been pretty busy this morning! I've got all the stuff you'll need today. So I got more pregnancy tests, just to be sure. Actually you can go take one in a minute. I also got you some breakfast, you're gonna have to eat super healthy now so baby can grow strong! I grabbed you some clothes for when you start to get bigger. Don't ask me where I got them from, lets just say I have a massive collection of random shit at home so I had to look through that. I have face masks, foot masks, and some movies so we can hang out together later cause my guess is todays gonna be a rough day. I don't wanna scare you or anything but I'm just saying, it may not go as planned so we want stuff to do for a while after to help distract you"

Don't Quit - A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now