Fitz's POV

I listened to every word Sophie had to say and I felt horrible. I felt horrible that something amazing had happened but also something awful and I wasn't able to be there to support her.

I helped Sophie change into a pair of sweatpants and she chose one of my t-shirts to wear too (it came down to her knees and she looked ADORABLE). Then we snuggled up into the small bed together and we talked for hours about everything.

We talked about Little Bean, our new house, the gender reveal party that Biana had been secretly planning for what felt like ages now. We talked about Sophie's depression and self harm, Lorelai and all sorts. 

It just felt so good to be finally able to talk about all of it. 

Eventually, I got up and grabbed us some food before sitting back on the bed with Sophie. We sat facing each other at either end, legs crossed, holding the bowls of food in our laps.

We sat in silence while we ate, pondering life and all its interesting and mysterious ways.

Elwin came in after a while to do one of Sophie's regular appointments for Little Bean and to talk to her about moving forward in her situation. They agreed that they would meet once a week for a while to check in and make sure everything was doing ok.

Elwin also encouraged Sophie and I to complete some more cognate exercises as it could help us to open up more about things that are really stressing us out.

Once it was confirmed that the pregnancy was moving along well and everything was looking as it should, I set up a bed next to Sophie's so that I could spend the night. 

Since we had eaten earlier, we decided against eating again (although I knew Sophie would have a craving at some point). Instead, we snuggled up together on Sophie's bed, My arm around her as she rested against my side, her head on my chest.

Sophie watched the screen intently, wanting to know all the details, absorbed in the plot line. Me on the other hand? I was happy to watch Sophie watching the movie. Every little gasp or giggle she made at what was happening. 

I looked down at her fondly, occasionally planting kisses on the top of her head. God this girl meant the world to me, I wanted her to be mine forever, and me hers.

About halfway through the movie, Sophie began to complain.

"Fitz, I'm hungry"

"Oooh I could go for some pickles and hotsauce"

"Wait no, I want ice cram"

"Or should I have pickles and ice cream?"

"Oh but I want something spicy"


I laughed at her. She had her cute little pouty face on, her bottom lip sticking out and her eyebrows scrunched downwards. I patted her on the head saying "I'll get you your food my little princess"

At that, the frown was gone and instantly replaced with a smile. "Thank youuuu my gorgeous hunky sexy haired boyfriend"

I rolled my eyes at her, the god damn hormones and mood swings were getting harder to keep up with. But I didn't mind.

I popped my head into Elwin's office to let him know I would be gone for 10 or so minutes to grab Sophie some food. He laughed and said "Better hurry back, that girl has quite an appetite these days"

I nodded and laughed too "Yes she sure does, although when I mention it to her she simply claims that Little Bean in hungry" I rolled my eyes slightly, but in a loving way.

I said goodbye to Elwin and Light leapt back home. 

I searched through our kitchen and once I had found everything Sophie could possibly need, I was quick to get back to the healing centre.

Let's just say, Sophie was very pleased with my haul of food, clothes and random stuff.

We pressed play on the movie again and we settled back down into our same positions. I continued to admire Sophie, and that's when it hit me. She's not engaged to Keefe anymore. Legally, I am her boyfriend and she is my girlfriend.

And suddenly I knew exactly what I wanted to do next.

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