
"We're getting married!" I beam as I tell my family at the dinner table. Well, not all of them. Dad was at work. And I'm starting to think he's avoiding Macsen and Rhys.

"That's great! Let's see the ring!" Mom replied. I flashed my hand to my mother and she gushed over the gem. It was a beautiful Ruby and I love it so much. Eli was happy that I did too. Macsen and Rhys just don't understand what's going on.

"Dude, that's so dope." Angela said.

"Never say that again." I cringe.

"Yeah, don't. But I'm really happy for you guys." Arasha smiled.

"Thanks." I nod to her.

"Got any plans yet?" Damien asked.

"Uh, not yet. We only got engaged last week but I'm sure we'll get to talking about it soon." I answer, looking to Eli who nods in agreement. She was hella nervous to tell the family and I have no idea why. They love her.

"Yeah, we will get to talking about that soon." she smiles slightly but she seems distant.

"Are you okay, Eli?" my Mom asks.

"I just don't understand why Mr Moreno is avoiding Macsen and Rhys. He's never even met Macsen and she was born first. It just doesn't make sense. Like, if I had my first grandkid, I'd be so happy to meet them and I'd always try to be around them and my parents do exactly that. I'm surprised that they don't live at our house, actually. Speaking of, we need to go shopping and I want to make a cake but I don't what cake to make so you need to choose." she rambles.

"Did you breathe at all?" Damien says.

"What's breathing? I don't think that word is in my dictionary yet." Eli joked and got everyone, including Damien and Macsen, and it's even funnier because Macsen doesn't know what she's laughing at.

Rhys doesn't laugh. Rhys never laughs.

We all finish dinner and go our own way. We decided to stay they night and maybe Dad will be home in time to meet Macsen and Rhys. Besides, Mom wanted to spend more time with and eventually, we're all in the living room, making a competition out of Rhys. We're trying to see if we can make her laugh, and whoever does, wins.

Damien tries by showing her videos her videos of people walking into things. This only elicits a smirk.

Amanda and Angela make an effort by slapping each other with foil trays, it makes Eliza laugh, but Rhys could not care any less.

Arasha tries to make my daughter laugh by tickling her. Rhys didn't like that at all and smacked Arasha's face, "Only Mama and Mommy can tickle me." she huffed. We of course, corrected her behaviour and she said sorry to her Auntie Arasha, who forgave her faster than light.

Then Shayne tries by just staring at her. She didn't like the eye contact and hid her face. Shayne stopped after that.

Mom made funny noises at her. Rhys looked at her like she belonged to a mental hospital.

My own attempt was futile. So I tried singing but she just watched me in wonder. I never thought I had a good voice but my heart melted when Rhys said, "That was beautiful, Mommy."

"It really was." Eli agreed, she looked at me the same way Rhys did and then suddenly I'm blushing.

"Sweetheart, are you okay? Prickly heat?" Mom worried.

"No, I'm fine." I dismiss. "Let's make this kid laugh."

Eli might be our last oomph. She tries by getting us all gathered at the bottom of the stairs and she fake trips down them. She's completely fine, she does this all the time but nobody reacts like I do. They all rush to Eli at the bottom of the stairs and shoos them all away. Rhys is only smirking. Macsen ran to Eli's side and 'helped' her up.

"Mama okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine, sweetheart. Don't worry about me." Eli said.

"Okay!" she smiled. Eli picked her up as we all walked back to the living room.

"I think your child is broken." Damien said.

"Yeah but this one isn't though. Watch." Eliza said as she started tickling Macsen. She obviously started laughing and was in hysterics with Eli's relentless tickles.

Then, I heard a giggle. A little girl's giggle. My gaze shot to Rhys and I watch as she had the biggest smile on her face. And as Macsen started laughing more and more, Rhys' giggles got louder and louder until... She laughed. A full hearty laugh. Eli heard it and looked to Rhys and smiled that same smile. All three of them have identical smiles. And it makes me smile.

"She laughed!" Mom pointed at her. Eli stopped tickling Macsen and put her down so she could pick up Rhys and hug her. She was still laughing then.

"Was that funny, Rhys?" Eli asked her.

"I like Mac's laugh." Rhys smiled. There goes my heart.

"You do?" Eli asked.

"Yes. It's catchy."

I feel ready to explode. That was the cutest thing I've ever heard. She just said that her sister has a contagious laugh. My heart.

"It is catchy, huh?" Eli said as she kisses Rhys' cheek.

"Another one!" Rhys demanded as she turned her cheek to Eli. She needs to stop being so fricking cute right now.

Eli kissed her again and again, as Rhys kept demanding it. Macsen eventually found her way to sit on my lap. She loves cuddles and it is getting late for the girls.

"Shall we get you two washed up?" I ask.

"No!" Macsen complained.

"Yes! Let's go, smelly." Eli huffed, picking up Macsen and walking off with her. I go to get up and help but Eli calls, "I got it, babe."

Her sixth sense is crazy.

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