
So Eliza asked me to dinner at her house and I have to ask my parents. Hopefully they'll let me go because I really like Eliza. Not like that. Or maybe. I don't know.

She's cute, sure. She's attractive, sure. But so is Gemma. And Pheonix from Biology class. They're so hot.

But Eliza? Nah, I can't have a crush on her. I barely know her.

But those eyes. Those diamonds for eyes. And those lips. I could kiss them-

Excuse me, Chanse. No.

But I could. And hearing her laugh today made my stomach flutter. I made her laugh.

"Chanse, you okay, honey?" my Mom asks before shoving a forkful of food into her mouth.

"Yeah. It's just one of my friends invited me over to their house for dinner on Wednesday."

"Oh, right. Who's that, then?"

"My new friend, Eliza."

"That's a nice name. What's her last name?"


Mom dropped her fork and looked at Dad, who had too stopped eating.

"Do you happen to know who her parents are?" Dad asked.

"Uh, no. Not really."

Mom pulled out her phone and started googling something. I watched as she scrolled and her eyes light up as she found what she was searching for.

"Eliza Carmen Rogerstone-Montgumery, the twelfth daughter of ChristinaJo and Kathryn Rogerstone-Montgumery. She's seventeen years old." Mom read out. She then looked up to Dad and smiled.

Her middle name is Carmen?

"Why is it such a big deal?" I wonder aloud.

"We were big fans of Forniasea back in the day. I still listen to the original five to this day. And Eliza's parents did a collab with Smosh. Christina has a tattoo of the Smosh logo on her back. You need to get a photo of it for me."

The Forniasea band was a really big band back in the 2010s and only got more famous as time went on. They're known as a legacy band, they've passed it down the generations. It started with the original five, Eleanor, Joseph, Adrianna, Audrey and Quinn. And then it evolved and morphed into today's band, Apollo, Raphael, Milo and Evan. I cannot believe I didn't make the connection.

"And their autographs!" Dad added.

"Uh, okay. So I can go?"



I walk into homeroom and sit down next to Eliza, and I find that she's not reading. It confused me.

"No book today?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's in my bag. I just wanted to talk to you this morning."

I'm speechless as the butterflies in my stomach go wild. My heart increases and a furious blush spreads across my cheeks.

"You w-wanted to t-talk to m-me?" I stutter. Get it together, Chanse.

"Yeah. I really like you. Your my first friend and I wanted to be good to you."

"I really like you, too." I nod. Maybe just not in the way she's thinking.


"Yeah. Oh, my parents approved of our plans tomorrow. But I have to warn you, they're fans."

"Oh god." Eliza groaned.


"Let me guess, they want autographs and a picture of Mama's Smosh tattoo."

"Uh, yeah. Does that happened often?"

"Autographs, yes. Tattoo photo, no. I just know that your parents are Smosh fans."

"That obvious?"

"You are named after Chanse McCrary. So, yeah, just a little."

I'm slightly alarmed at how accurate she is. My face must show it because she giggles and boops my nose. Another fricking blush. And oh, that giggle.

"Why are you blushing?" she asked.

"Uhh... I get hot flushes sometimes. And prickly heat in my chest." I lie. Well, not really, because that does happen to me very often, but that's not the cause of my blush.

"Oh, I see. Is that why you don't wear jackets often?"


I now notice that Eliza is wearing a jacket, a baggy one at that, and it's still quite warm for September.

"Aren't you warm in your jacket?"

"A little. But it's necessary." she shrugged.

"Can I ask why?"

"I... Uh. I'm..."

"Hey, it's fine if you don't want to tell me." I put my hand on her arm and she instantly pulled away. "Sorry."

"No, I do want to tell you. I guess I've just never really admitted this before. Not even to myself."

"I'm here for you."

"I guess... I'm just really insecure about my body. Especially my arms. People call me 'sausage arms' and it gets to me, you know?"

"Well, I've never seen your arms so I can't really agree with the 'sausage arm' name, can I? I'm sure they're nothing like that. People are dicks, don't listen to them. Take your jacket off. Let me have a look."

"No. I can't."

"Come on."

"Okay." watch as she slowly unzipped her jacket with shaky hands. The jacket came off of her back and her arms were revealed to me.

I have no idea where 'sausage arms' came from because what greeted me was the complete opposite.

Eliza. Quiet, Reserved, introverted, Eliza. Has massive fucking muscles protruding from her arms. Firm, bulging muscles.

I suppose my face made a face because Eliza instantly recoiled and started to put her jacket back on.

"I knew this was a bad idea. I'm sorry for cursing you with my sausage arms."

I stopped her from putting the jacket back on and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Eliza, you have the most beautiful arms I have ever seen." I smile.


"Yeah, and they are far from sausage. They are firm, strong, and really fucking attractive."

"Really? You're attracted to my arms?"

"I'm a sucker for muscles." I flirt, and wink, "Do you go to the gym?"

"Yeah, with my parents and Kath."

"Well, it's paying off. You look... Amazing."

"Thanks, Chanse." she smiled softly.

"Just being honest. You gonna keep your jacket off?"

"I might. I don't know. See how the day goes."

I nod and rest my arm around her shoulder. I feel her lean into me and I feel our sudden yet amazing bond grow stronger.

The Creator: UNKNOWNWhere stories live. Discover now