
"So, Chanse." Christina started, pouring the FIRE sauce onto her tacos. Damn, she's hard core. "How are you finding school?"

"Uh, it's great! I got my friends and I do cheer. Now I have Eliza. I'd like to say that I'm thriving."

"That's great. You get good grades?"

"Yeah, A's and B's."

"I'm sure Eliza would tutor you in your lesser subjects. What do you tend to fall back in?"

"Mama, B's are not bad." Eliza said.

"I know. But you can always push yourself to the top. Always."

"Uh, just Physics and Music." I shrug.

"Oh, she has Auntie Marley?" Kate cringed.

"Who's Auntie Marley?" I ask.

"My Aunt. Mrs Rogerstone-Smith." Eliza says.

"How did I not make that connection?" I question myself.

"Because Marley's a bitch and my sweet Eli is an angel?" Tina offers.

"Sure." I chuckle.

"Are you interested in anyone, Chanse?" Kate asked, she has a really thick Irish accent.

"Uh, I think so. It's difficult."

"Feelings are like that. Just take your time and it'll come to you."

I nod at the brunette's wisdom. I feel like I can talk to her about this stuff, and I've only known her for a few hours.

"Let's say that I do like her. How will I know if she likes me back?" I quizz.

"It really depends on who she is. Everyone is different. That makes everything so much more difficult. I didn't even know Christina liked me back until she asked me out."

"Awe, that's sweet. How old were you guy when you started dating?"

"Nine." they both say at the same time.

"Wow, congratulations."

"Thanks." Christina nodded with a thin lipped smile.

"Do the older kids visit often?"

"They try to," Christina shrugged, "They've all got lives and jobs and kids."

"As long as they make the effort." I smile.

"Yeah. How about your family? Brothers? Sisters? Parents?"

"My Mom is an anonymous editor. She works for some big YouTuber and makes quite a bit of cash. My Dad is a very good lawyer. So it's safe to say that we live comfortably. I have five other siblings. Quite the bunch."

"I bet. I understand that you're all named after the Smosh cast?"

Shit. Now this is where they'll think I'm a weirdo.

"Yeah... My parents love Smosh."

Kate and Christina exchanged a look and I got nervous. It's like they were having a telepathic conversation.

"Is that a problem?" I ask, hesitantly.

"No, no. We were just thinking that..." Kate trailed off. There really is no way to put it so I finish the sentence.

"Yes, they're also fans of Forniasea. My parents would like your autographs and a photo of the tatto."

"You do realise that would involve Christina raking her shirt off, right?" Kate smirks.

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