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It was the first part of the competition and the order of contestants is alphabetical. So Eliza is fifth. Right now, I'm sitting through Arkansaw. She's quite good in terms of skills but there's not a whole lot of performing being done. She's very still. Not a lot of movement.

I am aware that I am being judgy. I want Eli to win. Of course, I do. She's my love and I will be so proud if she does win. And honestly, it's looking that way. Alabama was all country music, Alaska only did the waltz, Arizona was all rapping and dubstep, and you know about Arkansaw. My love is after this and I am excited. I have been told that they have a set of three songs as her introduction. They will be varied to show off the numerous talents in Eli's company. Lots of impressive stunts and great singing.

Each week the competition has a theme. This week was, "Introduce Yourself". And so far, each state has done just that. They are all boring. Not a lot of character. Not a lot of anything. Ugh, I am so bored.

I huffed and looked through the program, only to stare at Eli's page.

Representing California is Eliza Rogerstone-Montgumery

Eliza is seventeen years old and was born and raised in California. She is a quiet girl who likes to read but her loud and expressive performance will amaze you. She has a big yet loving and supportive family who have flown from Cali to support the youngest RogerMont. This particular introvert has a great musical ear and her set, put together by Eliza herself, will highlight this. When asked to who she would dedicate her special shout-out to, Eliza chose her girlfriend, Chanse for always being there for her and supporting her. How sweet! The judges look forward to witnessing Eliza's performances and watching her reach her maximum potential.

Written by Laura Peters

"She was alright, eh, Chansey?" Christina asked me as we all clapped. I hadn't realised that the performance was over, so it was a shock when the audience erupted into applause.

"She had a nice voice but there wasn't a lot to look at." I shrug.

"Maybe she was just nervous." Tina defended.

"Maybe." I say as the lights dim again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls," I hear everyone cheer, people were anxiously waiting for California's representative, "Put your hands together for this year's Cali-girl, Elizaaaaaaa!"

The crowd went absolutely ballistic after hearing Eli's name. They were even more excited when she delivered her first line;

"You can't cherry-pick the Bible, choosing which parts you wanna believe,"

"We don't do that," said Gemma's voice.

"Oh, really? What's this?"

The lights went on time with the music as Eli performed her first-ever dance move on stage. I watched as she danced and sang around the stage, her voice absolutely slaying in Love Thy Neighbour from The Prom. I didn't know that she could sing or dance this well, and I completely understand why the whole audience went wild.

After a series of flips and long belted notes, Eli's first song was complete. We all stood and clapped for her, because she's one hundred percent amazing.

Next, an eerie sounding song started tomplay and Eli was down on the stage, lying casually yet an essence of power about her. It makes me hor-

"I never thought hyenas essential. They're crude and unspeakably plain." Eli spoke, a sexy smirk on her face and her voice extremely low and sultry. Definitely turned on now. I watched as she strutted around the stage and giving her all inot the character of Scar. I found Kath, Gemma and Pheonix being the main hyenas particualry amusing as well. They all looked so stupid. They way they marched and salueted with dopey faces was priceless.

"She's amazing." I gush.

"You are biased though." Tina deadpanned.

"Oh, definitely." I smirk.

One more song of Eli's to go and I find myself really excited. As the Intro to We Didn't Start The Fire plays, the crowd goes wild, including Tina. Especially Tina. But when Eli songs and strums her guitar, the lyrics are different to the ones I know.

"Captain Planet, Arab Spring, LA Riots, Rodney King," she sang. I was able to sing along with everyone else at the chorus. The whole crowd got up and sang along to my Eli. It made me all giddy inside.

Eventually, her song comes to and end and we sit through five more showings. Then it'll be ten showings tomorrow. And for the rest of the week until Saturday. Then that's the firts round of the competition is done. We'll be back home in the second week of February.


"I think it's safe to say that Eli was the best." I say as we walk out of the stadium.

"I hate to say it, but I agree." Tina nodded.

"I'm so tired," Kate yawned.

"Come on, sweetheart. Let's get you back to the room." Tina coos to her wife. Kate nods and we all hug and kiss Tina and Kate goodnight.

"Chanse?" I hear Apollo call.


"Ev and I want to go out for drinks and I was wondering if you could have the girls. They might want feeding, we'll give you the money for anything they want. We'll drop them off at your hotel with everything they need."

"Of course. And don't worry about paying me. I'll buy them anything they want." I tell the blonde.

"Thanks, Chanse. The kids love you and you'll make a great mother someday. Eli is lucky to have you."

"Ahem?" Evan motioned to herself.

"But I'm luckier." she winked to me.

"Of course. And Apollo?"

The blonde turned to me with an expectant smile, "Yes?"

"If you have any tips on parenthood, I'd love to hear them." I say, rubbing my hands over my stomach. Apollo's haw dropped as she looked down at my stomach and back up to my eyes.

"You're kidding." she gasped.

"What's up, babe?" Evan asked, coming up beside Apollo.

"Chanse is pregnant." Apollo whispered, "Eli has the gift."

"Wow." Evan gasped.

"I know. I'm so happy for you both. Are you keeping them?" Apollo asked.

"I am. Eli has a name and everything. We a room in the house and we're gonna be so happy when they arrive." I gush.

"I bet. Well, congratulations. We'll drop the girls off soon." Apollo nodded before giving me a gentle hug, Evan soon following.

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