
After finally completing my History, Art, Math and science homework, I am able to relax and watch my favourite YouTube series. It's my unwind. My relief.

The series in question is Joey's Apocalyptic Diary. It follows a girl named Joey, who is alone in the apocalypse and she has four robo-companions. I'm on epsidoe eight right now, and I'm in love with it.

The animation is so surreal and the person who voices Joey sounds so soft and cuddly. I just wanna hug 'em all the time.

My favourite character is K-9, who learned was actually inspired by a Doctor Who character with the same name. The robot is so blunt all the time and says everything how they see it. It brings comic relief to the tense series.

Call me crazy, but I do draw fan art after only eight episodes in. I just think that Joey is so cute and I draw her with a little lesbian pride flag because she sets off my gaydar in rainbow flashing lights and loud sirens.

Joey is white but has Spanish and French backgrounds. Her mother was French and her father was Spanish, but they passed away in the apocalypse. It's sad. She shares that story in episode four, and I cried. Hearing Joey's cries made me cry.

As I draw and watch, a knock sounds at my door, it's my sister, little sister, Angela.

"Are you seriously watching that stupid show again?" she huffs.

"It's not stupid. Be quiet, Joey is making the treacherous journey through the city full of savages." I shush my sister who leans on my door frame.

"Whatever, shithead. Dinner is ready."

I was shocked at her language, but then I remember who she was named after.

All of my siblings and I were named after the Smosh Cast. Which is really strange but my parents are obsessed with Smosh.

The order is as follows:

Me- Chanse
Twins- Angela and Amanda.

Like I said... Obsessed.

Shayne, my oldest brother, is twenty-five and is a professional trainer.

Arasha, my sister, is twenty-three. She's about to become a doctor.

Damien, another sister, is twenty-one and is in military college.

Me, Chanse, I'm seventeen and have just started my senior year in high school. I have no idea what I want to do, maybe become a writer.

And last but not least, Angela and Amanda, they're in their last year middle school and are fourteen.

So, I have quite the family. My parents, Hope and Ryan, are way too in love with each other but are cute nonetheless. My Mom is an anonymous editor for a big YouTuber and my Dad is a lawyer. A good one. So I live fairly comfortably.

Anyway, enough explanation.

I roll my eyes and follow Angela to the massive dinning room we have. Even though its only my parents, the twins and I, we still are obligated to eat at the table. I'd much rather be in my room and watch Joey's Apocalyptic Diary, but I can't have it all.

"Dinner is served." Mom smiled as she set plates down on the table.

We all find our own seats and say grace. We're not religious but it's just how we thank Mom for cooking everyday. So, we don't say it to god, we say it to Mom.

We tuck in and Dad clears his throat.

"You all should start making your Christmas lists. We want an idea of what you want."

"But Dad, it's September." Amanda scoffs.

"Some families do this in June. It's never too early to plan for Christmas." Dad shakes his head with a small smile. He's a sucker for Christmas. Mom is more of a Halloween kinda gal. Spooky bitch.

"Oh! And I want to know what you want to be for Halloween." Mom says.

"That's the type of question to be asking." I say, gesturing to my Mom. I had already thought about this. I want to be Santana from Glee. I have the shape, from cheerleading, and I'm Latina. It fits.

"I wanna be Santana Lopez from Glee."

"Oh my gosh! Yes! I love it! Is there a party this year?"

"Uh, yeah. It's at some place called Tim's. I was gonna go with my friends, if they're up for it."

"That sounds fun."

We talk back and forth until we make it through dinner and dessert. Once I'd finished, I kissed my Mom on the cheek and thanked her before going back to my room to finish episode eight and binge the first season for the rest of the night.

Joey ends up getting hurt in the city but her robo-friend, S.A.M was able to heal her. Thank God for S.A.M!

The season ended on a cliff hanger, someone had knocked on her front door and the next season hasn't been dropped yet. Apparently it'll come out in January, according to the Creator. They've already wracked in ten million subscribers after just one season with twenty-one episodes. And no one knows who they are.

But it's a good thing that there's no more seasons, I wouldn't have gotten any sleep.

I slide into my bed and stalk the Joey's Apocalyptic Diary Instagram. Some promos and teasers. Sketches for season two but no final product that could give us any hint of what'll happen. I read through the comments and they make me chuckle:

lesbianicl3sbi0n: Istg if joey is not gay then i will throw my phone out of the window

fortjo3y: holding my breathe until s2 comes out 💀

kat3ther0b0t: too much time spent watching these. Hand over s2 rn.

j.a.d_fanacc: Joey is so hot 🥵🥵

tinyg1rl23: s2- 💳💥💳💥💳💥

Some people are just crazy.

I scroll through some edits of the series and most them imply that Joey is gay and realised that after she'd made KAT3. Which I think is really weird. But that's people for you.

I'm so happy that it's Friday, because it is well past midnight and at least I don't have to be up in the morning. I just my phone off and close my eyes.

I dream of Joey's Apocalyptic Diary, and the Creator. I wonder who they are.

The Creator: UNKNOWNМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя