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Eli and I are going Halloween shopping for our costumes. We just gonna look for pastel red and blue clothing really. And Eli said that we're gonna make the horns. I'm really excited.

We also have Grace and Ava tagging along and they are quite the little girls, I must say.

They have no idea what they want to be. They know that they want to go as a duo. But that's all we have.

"Wouldn't it be really funny if we dressed then up as the twins from The Shining?" Eli muses.

"No. Because they are sweet little girls. We can't make them scary!" I whine.

"Okay... Men In Black?"

"It's overdone. Although, they would look adorable in suits." I smile as the twins strut ahead of us.

Eliza was scrolling through ideas on her phone, definatley not looking where she was going. I have to grab her arm to make sure she's not walking into people.

"What about The Money Heist?" she turns her phone towards me and I shake my head.

She put her phone away and walked slightly ahead to catch the girls before they sassed this whole mall down.

"Okay, lassies. We're gonna need your help. We don't know what you want to do." Eli said to the girls as she led them to a bench.

"We don't know either, Auntie Eliza." Ava shrugged.

"Well, we're gonna be Pain and Panic from Hercules. Does that give you any inspiration?"

"Um... Oh! We could be Joy and Sadness from Inside Out." Grace suggests and Ava nods.

"That's great! Let's go shop for clothes then." Eli huffed as she got up. We wanted to sort out their costumes first but we've been aimlessly wandering around this mall for an hour and a half. My feet hurt and to hear that they've made a settlement has me overjoyed. No pun intended.

We go into a clothes shop to find yellow clothes for Ava. Joy wears a dress but Ava said she didn't want to wear one, so we found yellow jeans, a yellow t-shirt and yellow shoes.

We got Grace a white turtle neck sweater, blue jeans and blue shoes for outfit. We found some hollow glasses and that's the girls sorted. Now Eli and I have to shop her our clothes.

"I'm hungry!" Ava whines.

"You wanna grab a bite?" Eli suggests? I nod and take her hand as we navigate the mall.

"Can I hold your hand, Auntie Chanse?" Grace asks me.

"Sure." I smile and open my other hand out to her. She took it and smiled up at me, causing me to give one back.

From what I can tell, and what I've been told, Grace is very much like Apollo. Not as in looks, but personality. Sure, Apollo wouldn't ask to hold my hand but they're both sweet and innocent. Although, Eli tells me that Apollo can be a bit dirty when her wife is around.

We arrive at a small Taco Bell and order some food. Before I even get a chance to pull my wallet out, Eli is already paying.

"My treat, babe." she smiles.

"You seem to treat me a lot." I narrow my eyes at her.

"All because I love you."

"Can you two stop flirting for like, two seconds?" Ava sassed.

"Who taught you that attitude, lady?" Eli scoffs.

"My Mom." she shrugs.

"Not surprised."


After shopping, we dropped the twins back at their parents and head off again, but not in the direction of Eli's home.

"Where are we going?"

"Well, I thought I'd show you the house and I have a small surprise for you." Eli grins from the driver's seat.

"Okay. How long will it take?"

"Twenty-five minutes to the house and possibly another half hour to the surprise. Why?"

"I want nothing more that to go home and cuddle with you." I admit.


"Sorry, your place." I correct.

"You're cute. I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Oh, and I have something to talk to you about. I'm really excited about it." Eli gushes.

"I'm all ears, babe."

"So, I was talking to Ms Peters the other day, she had something to tell me. Well, it turns out that I have been picked to represent California in a competition that is for people who have talent but don't show it often." she explains.

"That's awesome! What did you say?"

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about it first,"

"Me? Why?"

"Well, I know that my parents and my sisters will follow me wherever I go if I asked them to. But I wanted to ask you if you could come out and support me at the comp in New York City?"

"When is it?"

"January. It'll take place the whole month." she explains.


"I know it's a long time for you to stay away from home, and you don't have to come out if you don't want to."

"Eli," I repeat.


"I'd love to." I grin a little. Just the look of pure excitement and relief on her face puts me in a great mood.

"Thank you so much, Chansey." she finally says.

"Since when did you call me that?" I muse.

"Since now. It's cute. Especially when your Mom calls you that."

"I think it's cute that your parents call you Eli."

"I like it, too. I love my whole name as well. Eliza Carmen. My Mamgu and my Tita."

"Have you met Carmen?"

"Nah, she passed away quite a while back. But my Mamgu is still kicking. She lives in Wales though."

"Are you gonna visit her when you go for Christmas?"

"Yeah, we'll stay with her. My Granny and Grandma, Mama, Mom, Kath and I. I think Auntie Esther and Auntie Marley are going too. Possibly Auntie Olivia? I'm not sure though." Eli confirms, well, sorta.

"You have to let me face time her. I'd love to meet her."

"Or... You could come with us." Eli joked, at least, I think.

"Nah, I wouldn't wanna interfere with your family. Besides, we have my grandma coming over and she loves me. I like to craft with her." I say with a smile. I really do love my grandma.

"Fair enough." she shrugged as she up to a gate.

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