
Everyone was laughing and smiling at the table as we ate dessert. All because of Eli's humour. She's just so hilarious and it only makes me love her more.

"I'm really curious about the Welsh side of your family. How are you part Spanish and Welsh?" Mom asked

"Well, my Mama's grandparents met in Spain. Aled and Carmen. My great grandfather, Aled, was Welsh, born and raised, and my great grandmother, Carmen, was Spanish."

"Is that where your middle name comes from?" I question.

"How did you know my middle name?" she stared at me, shock written all over her adorable face.

"Babe, it's all over the Internet." I answer.

She nodded and continued on with the story, "They got married and lived in Wales and had my Mamgu, Eliza, and her twin brother, James, Carys, Natalia, Macsen and Arianwen. Eliza met my Mama's father and moved to America and basically switched back and forth between countries. So some of my Aunties, cousins and my sisters were born in Wales. My Mama was born there too."

"And I'm assuming that you'll be staying in your Mama's hometown when you visit?" Mom asked and Eliza nodded, "What's it called?"

"Abertawe or Swansea."

"Is that where the band name came from?"

"Yeah. California and Swansea combined."

"That's cool. Are you excited to go?"

"I was. But I'm not too sure now." Eli shrugged. She turned to me and gave me a subtle wink and I feel hot.

"Honey, are you okay? You're blushing. Is it another prickly heat attack?"

"No. Just a stupidly hot girlfriend doing things to me." I sigh.

"TMI." Damien gasped.

"Not like that! She winked at me." I say.

"Mhm. Sure." Damien nodded but gave me a weird look.

"Damien, behave yourself." Mom scolded. "So what's home life like?"

"I won't lie, but I'm pretty sure my life is perfect. I have amazing parents who I will always have in my corner, and I have my sisters, sister-in-laws and nieces. I live comfortably and I am loved. I have an amazing girlfriend and two really good friends. My life is perfect." Eliza gushes.

"That sounds wonderful. What do your parents do for work?"

"They're both teachers. Mom is an elementary school teacher and Mama teaches music in the same school."

"How do you get by? Not to be rude but a teacher's salary isn't all that great." Dad chimes in.

"They are business women. There's about three or four different business that they profit from and are very loaded. That and they're still YouTubers." Eliza shrugs.

"What are the businesses?"

"Well, there's a clothing brand. They make and design LGBT, Race, Religion and Gender positive clothes and stuff. They don't sell for very much so that makes it very popular. We're looking at three and a half million orders around the globe today.

"They own an LGBT café joint library. Where people in the community can read books that tend to be kept out of mainstream for their content on sexuality and gender adventures.

"Obviously the Safe Space but they don't profit from that. An instrument manufacturing branch, top quality stuff. All hand made and pretty epic. And then they are also producers. Lots of people come in, especially YouTubers, asking for compositions for their videos."

"How do they find the time for all of this?" Mom asked, but she smiled as she was very impressed, and to be honest, so was I.

"I have no clue. I'd like to take over one or two of them so that they don't have so much on their plate, but they get by at the moment."

"You should take us to the café at some point. I'd love to see it."

"Sure. All we want is to normalise catering to the minority and my parents are very big on making sure that those who aren't safe at home have a place to go."

"Colour me impressed. I haven't even met your parents and I'm just... So proud of them."

"I'm proud of them too."


After dinner, Eli and I went up to my room for a bit of a make out and butt squeezing. The butt squeezing was mainly me, okay, just me, but I just couldn't resist. It was just there... So thick and firm.

"Will you stop fondling my ass?" Eli chuckled.

"I just can't get over how... Juicy it is."

"Ew, don't call my butt juicy again."

"But it is." I pout, giving it another squeeze.

"Shut up." she rolled her eyes, her phone then buzzed and she frowned as she checked it, "Mama wants me home."

"Is everything okay?"

"Uh, I don't know, but I need to go, like now." she said, getting up and her shoes on.

"Okay, let me take you down the driveway."

"Thanks. I'm sorry our time has been cut short. Thank you for dinner. And your family is lovely. I really enjoyed being in their company."

"It's okay. They liked you, too. Even Damien." I say as we make our way down the stair case and into the foyer.

We left through the front door and get in a golf cart. I get us to the gate quickly and let her out of the gate. She ran to her car that was parked down the road.

If there is one thing I know about Eliza Rogerstone-Montgumery, it's that she never leaves without saying goodbye, so something must be seriously wrong.

The Creator: UNKNOWNWhere stories live. Discover now