
It's the baby shower day. Mama and I have been working relentlessly hard on the house and stuff for the gender reveal. It's been a stressful few days. But Chanse has really been my light through it all, as I'm sure Mom has for Mama.

She's just like a breathe of fresh air after standing in an arena with a bunch of other people my whole life. And she's been cheering me on these last couple of days. I know she feels bad for not helping but I'm not allowing her to do anything, especially with the growing baby bump. Which is the cutest thing ever. I love how it feels, just knowing that my baby is in there. My little rotisserie chicken.

"Let's not call the baby that." Chanse giggled. She was wearing leggings, as her typical attire of jeans were now restricting and she didn't wanna harm the baby, and a new top that Kath and Mom got custom made. It showed her bump quite nicely and had Boy or Girl? Written over it.

"Whatever." I huff. I was setting up the tables for the food and I think Mom had a cake delivered. She couldn't be arsed to do it herself which is fair enough. I'm not really too fussed on cake but Chanse loves it.

"How many people are gonna show up?" Chanse asked.

"Well, all of my siblings, wives and kids. My Granny. A few of my Aunties. Some of them can't make it because they have demanding jobs. My Uncle Amos and I think Uncle Malachi because he's coming with Gemma. Your family, I'm not sure if your older siblings have boyfriends or girlfriends and whatnot. It's fine if they do, we'll have enough food for everyone. And Blaine. He's coming from Arizona to support us. Isn't that awesome?" I smiled.

"So awesome. And as far as I'm aware, it'll just be my family. Maybe my Aunt."

"Okay," I said, setting the last table cloth in place, "I'm so excited."

"Me too. And I don't care about the gender, if I'm being honest. I just want a healthy baby."

"That's valid. But I hope it's a girl." I beam as I walk up to her. I kissed her lips and then her bump, "Which I think it might me because of the position of your bump. It's quite high up and it's very neat."

"Neat?" she chuckled, "I didn't know bumps could be neat."

"Yeah, notice how it's not like, you know, all over the place." I say.

"Yeah, I see it. I guess only the gender reveal will tell."



There are a lot of people here. And they're everywhere. It sort of makes me happy our families are coming together though. This will be the first time that Chanse's siblings have met mine and my parents. They seem to be okay. Except for Damien, she's just hovering on the side.

"Hello, Eli." Raphie said.

"Hi! Are you okay?" I smile up at my big sister.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Uh, who's that?" she asked, pointing to Damien.

"That's Damien, she's Chanse's older sister."

"Oh, okay. She's being weird."

"How so?"

"Um, Milo went to go talk to her. And she ignored her. She seems anxious. Maybe you could talk to her."

"I'll give it a go. She's really protective of Chanse. She might be worried about her." I nod.

"Okay. Before you go. I got you another teddy. And one for Chanse and the baby. Where is Chanse?"

"She's around somewhere." I look around.

"Okay. Here is your teddy. Bye." she handed me the teddy and left. She makes me chuckle sometimes. The teddy in question was an owl. I'm think that her name is Prescilla. I make my way towards Damien who does look a bit spooked.

"Hey, Damien. Are you okay?" I put my hand on her arm. She glanced at me and went back to doing whatever she was doing.

"No, have you seen Chanse?"

"No, but I'm sure she's around somewhere. Do you want to come with me to find her?"

"Yes, please." she nodded. I took her hand and led her through the crowd. It's weird because she's so tough most of the time. Seeing her this anxious is strange.

"Here she is." I say, stopping by Chanse and Raphie. "She's fine, see?"

My sister was in the middle of handing over two teddies to Chanse while gushing over her bump, "It's so big!" and suff like that. She's genuinely happy for us and that makes me happy.

"Hi, Damien." Raphie smiled before leaving.

"What the actual-"

"Careful, there's children around." Chanse warned.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Are you okay? You don't feel tired or anything? Do you need to sit down?" Damien asked.

"I'm fine, Damien. Maybe you should go an sit down. Have a drink and some food, okay?" Chanse placed her hand on Damien's arm.

"Okay. I'm really happy for you, by the way." she told us both, "And I'll be glad to help out where I can. Just say the word."

"Thanks, Damien. But on the occasion that we do need your help, please don't teach the baby how to handle a weapon or something like that." Chanse joked. At least I hope.

"Damn, you got me there." Damien smiled a little before leaving.

"Was she... Anxious?" Chanse asked, wide eyed.

"Certainly seemed that way, huh?"

"Hm. She's strange." Chanse hummed.

"Eliza!" I heard someone shout. I whipped around and saw Kath waiting for me at the table. She was beckoning us to come forward. While we made our way to the front, Mom was grabbing everyone's attention.

"It's time for the gender reveal!" she giggled and clasped her hands together.

There were a set of drums set up. We had the idea that I would drum along to a song and there would be paint or something on the drums that would fly up. I don't know. They just told me to play along to my favourite song, Which is I Constantly Thank God For Esteban. I have no clue how they've planned to reveal it because I can't see any paint on the drums as I sat down. Also, we haven't used the traditional pink and blue, we've gone with lime green and red. So this should be interesting... The drums were covered but black boards so all you could see was me behind them. I also noticed that Mom, Kath, Auntie Marley and Apollo where amped up with guitars and bass guitar.

Auntie Marley turned to me, and gave me a count down as the bass and drums start the song. We were jamming away and everyone was enjoying it. Chanse was having fun and there were smiles while Kath played and sang. Especially Sydney, Kath's girlfriend. They're obsessed with each other, it's gross.

When we got to the quiet bit, where I don't play, Mama carefully put the paint onto my drums. The bottle was covered so I couldn't see the colour until the paint was on the drums and I felt really happy. I grinned at her as she stepped away. And when the time came, I smacked the shit out of the drums. The lime green paint goes everywhere and the crowd goes wild. The paint was all up on my face and all over my white t-shirt. Mama and Auntie Ester then popped two poppers that let out the same coloured powder. Everyone was having a good time and I hope that the paint didn't get over the food because I'm still hungry.

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