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A few months later...

Shit. I think I'm pregnant again.

I won't lie, Eli and I we were really happy in the week that Macsen was born. Naturally, we did stuff and I think I'm pregnant again. I've been so busy with school and Macsen that I've not even noticed that my period is late. Very late.

Not to mention that I've started getting morning sickness and strange cravings, which also worries me. Well, not worries me, just... Highlights to me that I may have another bun in the oven.

I've yet to bring this up to Eliza. She's been so busy with everything lately. Don't get me wrong, not too busy for me and Macsen, she always makes time for us, she's just had a very tight schedule.

And that project? It was a greyhound kennel. I thought it was a great idea when she told me. Apollo loves greyhounds and so does Eli. She wants to ensure that greyhounds in LA have a good kennel to go to. I must say, the kennels are pretty high quality and it keeps the dogs safe and happy.

She also got that back yard play area for Macsen sorted. She's really happy with it and now she has less to worry about but the café and the kennel keep her pretty busy.

She's also talking about getting dogs. I'm not too sure of that'll be safe for the cats, who love Macsen and vice versa, as there is always the cat and dog conflict. She said that she'd get puppies so she could train them and we've been having in depth conversations about it. One pet idea that I have definitely shut down was a spider. No, thank you.

I just don't know how to approach this subject and I don't wanna ask anybody else because I want Eli to be the first to know. I feel like it would be cruel to ask someone else and tell them before I spoke to her.

"Hey, you're deep in thought." Eli says, sitting on the couch. She had Macsen in her arms and they looked so adorable together, it made me smile.

"Yeah, I've got a lot going on." I sigh.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Can I do anything to help?"

"I don't think so, babe. Thanks for offering though."

"Are you sure? I could cook for you, take tonight's baby-shift-"

"You take baby-shift every night." I interrupt. It's true, she refuses to let me get up for the baby when she cries at night. The only time she'll allow it is when she needs feeding.

"I know. Um, shall we go on a date? Bit of us-time?"

"That sounds wonderful but I don't really feel like it." I say as I play with her hair.

"Is there really nothing I can do to help?" she pleaded.

"Not really." I shrug.

"Okay, so maybe there's nothing physical I can do, but I'm here if you ever wanna talk." she says after a small silence.

Maybe this is the time to tell her, "Actually, there is something that I need to talk to you about."

"I'm all ears." she turned on the couch, ensuring Macsen wasn't uncomfortable or getting hurt, and she faces me.

"It may be a shock since we still have a newborn baby. But I think I'm pregnant again."

"You think? Why do you think? Do I need to head out and get some tests?"

"Well, I'm late for my period. I'm having morning sickness and I'm having strange cravings again."

"How late are you?"

"That's hard to tell. But I think my period was supposed to come in October."

"It's February. Babe, that's five months."

"I know, I know."

"Okay, I think it may be safe to say that you are pregnant. We may need to go to a doctor if its that far along." Eli said.

"You're not upset, are you?"

"No, I'm just shocked. Two babies. At least they'll be in the same grade."

"I guess there's that." I shrug.

"No, this is good. Another baby. Because we love each other." Eli said.


"Yeah," she leaned forward and kissed me, "We're having another baby!"

"We need to confirm it first, but it's exciting!" I reply.

"She's gonna be a big sister." Eli said, looking down at Macsen."

"That's crazy. She's gonna be a big sister before she can say her first word."


It's confirmed. I'm pregnant. And because I'm so far along, we were able to find out the gender, another girl. We decided not to do another gender reveal. We might keep this one as a surprise for everyone but our parents, and we will be sure to include Auntie Audrey. She was there when we found out the gender. She was happy and offered to stay with us while I carried her to term. We agreed, as having a doctor around will be very useful.

Eli named her Rhys. And of course, I love it. It fits with Macsen's name, it's Welsh and a boy's name. Rhys Rogerstone-Moreno-Montgumery. RRMM. That's cute.

So we're back to taking things easy. Although I insist that I still cook. I've found that in the last few months I've quite enjoyed cooking and baking. And Eli loves my food so she's happy.

Auntie Audrey has been helping out a lot. She's been washing up after dinner, doing the laundry and helping Eli with the greyhound kennel between work and visiting Auntie Khrystyna and their kids.

We've also let out parents know. Mom was happy and then triple that for Christina and Kate. They're always happy to have grandbabies. I've also realised that Dad has never met Macsen. He's had all of the opportunities to come and meet her but hasn't. All of my other siblings have. They come with Mom when she visits but Dad never comes. It makes me a little sad.

I hope he'll visit us when Rhys is born, and therefore meet Macsen.

The Creator: UNKNOWNWhere stories live. Discover now