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"Mama! Mum! I'm here!" I hear Hayley's voice call. I'm still in the process of waking up, at this point, so it hadn't registered that Chanse was with Hayley.

I hear Mama and Mom greeting Hayley and Melissa. It's way too early to be this energetic. It's six AM...

Then again, my parents are early risers.

I hear someone knock on my door, and because I'm in a state of absolute grog, I don't even move to answer.

"Eliza Bach. Come downstairs." Mama's soft voice says to me.

"I'm tired, Mama." I groan.

"But there's someone downstairs who wants to see you." Mama tries.

"Hayley can wait."

"It's not Hayley." Mama chucked. "It's Chanse. She flew over, remember?"

I sat up so fast that it hurt. But I can't be caring about that right now. I rush out of bed, put on my snuggie on and head downstairs. They're not by the front door so they must be in the living room.

I make a grand entrance, doing a superhero pose at the doorway, and spotting my girlfriend immediately.

I rush to her and give her a big snog. She backed us onto the sofa so I straddled her as I continue devouring her face. It went on for what felt like hours. I just missed her touch and the taste of her. Sure, it hasn't been at the front of my mind but I've always missed her. I always do. We only stop when I hear someone clear their throat.

"Poor Chanse won't have a face left!" Mama exclaimed in disbelief. I rest my head in her shoulder and kiss her neck.

"I missed you."

"I missed you, too. So does my Mom. I have to give you a hug and a kiss from her so... Here goes."

Chanse gave me a firm hug and kiss on the cheek from her Mom.

"Where are my babies?" I ask, pulling away.

Chanse motioned to the carrier next to her on the couch.

"Your Mamgu is very excited to meet them. They're her great-grand babies." Chanse chuckled as I opened the carrier.

"Hi, precious babies." I coo to them.

I cuddle them into me and kiss their sleepy heads. They purr slightly as I hold them in my arms. I think they missed me, too.

"I missed you. So much." I tell Chanse.

"I missed you, too." she says, rubbing my thighs.

I stare deeply into my girlfriends eyes and there's just... Something in my body wants her. All of her. I'm hungry but not for food.

I put the cats back in the carrier and resort to making out with Chanse again. She's just so tasty. I love her. So much. And I'm ready. I'm ready for her to have all of me.

"Let's go upstairs." I suggest, still taking her lips in mine.

"Sounds good." Chanse nodded.

I got off of her and tooker hand. I yanked her from the couch and took off with her. She followed me up the stairs and into my room, where I shut the door and locked it. I immediately start kissing her again and back her onto the bed. She sat down and I straddled her again.

My snuggie came off. Followed by her hoodie. Well, my hoodie. She has a habit of stealing my clothes. Then our shirts and bras came off.

Chanse pulled away and stared at my body. So that I could do the same, I push her so that she's lying down. I run my hands from her shoulders, down her chest and on her stomach, and back up again. Chanse groans in pleasure and she shivers in delight as I touch her.

I lean down and kiss her neck. She let out a quiet moan, and I already know that I'm in for a good time.


One last thrust of my hips and I feel the release wash over me. Chanse finished a little before me but we more or less came at the same time.

I'm left panting on top of my girlfriend, who just stares at me in adoration, but that quickly turns into concern. She looks down to our connected bodies.

"That's a lot." she said.

"What's a lot?" I ask, still dazed and coming down from my high.

"There's a lot of... Juices... Coming out of you."

"I'm sure it's fine." I dismiss. Later will I realise that it wasn't fine.

I kiss her knee and grt off of her, actually getting to see the mess I made.

"Oh, wow. That is a lot." I gasp.

"I guess you really enjoyed yourself." Chanse smirked.

"I wanna do it again."

"Come here, baby." Chanse said, sweetly. She pulled me back onto her and we did it all over again.


"There you two are! You had just disappeared and I wondered where you had gone." Mama smiled. Her eyes did a quick scan of my face and I see her blues locate a particularly dark hickey on my neck. "I see how it is." she nodded. She went back to washing dishes at the sink.

"Yeah." I say, awkwardly. I step closer to her. "I need to talk to you." I say to her quietly.

"Sure." she nodded again, "Chanse, you need to go and find my Mama. I think she may have kidnapped the cats." Mama said, turning back around to Chanse.

"Where would they be?"

"Try the little house thingy at the bottom of the garden. It's also lovely and warm in there. You should get to know my Mama. She's really cool."

"I'd love to. I'll see you later, baby." Chanse smiled to me, kissing my cheek and skipping off towards the back door.

"What's up, kiddo? Is it about that woman at the airport?" Mama worried after drying her hands.

"No. It's just... When I came, there was a lot. A lot more than Chanse." I admit.

"Ah. I see." Mama said.

"Do you know what's going on?"

"I do." Mama crossed her arms and leaned against the counter. Typical lesbian stance. "When I was younger, that very same thing happened to me. I went to the OB/GYN and they found... They concluded that I could produce sperm when I had an orgasm."

"So... All that stuff that came out of me was... Semen?"

"Pretty much." Mama cringed.

"Ew." I retorted. "Is that the gift that you always talk about. Is that how you got Mom pregnant?"


"Did I get Chanse pregnant?"

"Well.. Only if you scissored. There's a good chance that have." Mama shrugged and I felt my stomach drop. "Wait. You scissored?"

"Yes! We're lesbians! Well, Chanse is Pan but that's besides the point. So there's a chance that I got Chanse pregnant?"

"Yeah. Unless she's not fertile right now?" Mama tried. I looked at her in panic, "You don't know her mesntral cycle?"

"No, I do. We're synced so," I take the time to remember when my period finished, "We finished last week!"

"Oh, dear." Mama mumbled, "That's like, the major fertility window."

"You're having a laugh." I say, flatly.

"No. I'm not saying it for gits and shiggles either."

"What if I got her pregnant, Mama?" I panic.

"We'll work through it. But first, we need to have a sit down with her. Explain everything. Then find out if she is pregnant."


"You have to be brave, Eli. If she is pregnant, she can choose to get an abortion or keep it. We'll support either/or, okay?"

"Okay, Mama." I breathe.

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