
We found out that Eli's Mamgu passed away the same day as the baby shower. It was so happy and then Kat got really sad and she just broke down crying. This of course got Eli's attention and she found out when she looked at Kat's phone. Christina was and still is distraught but Eli is carrying on as normal and it's worrying me. She's been busting herself with getting the house ready for us, as I'm due in a few weeks.

We graduated and went to prom. I think Eli had fun. I don't know. It's hard to tell. Kath decided to take Christina to prom because firstly, she didn't go to prom because there was a pandemic, and secondly, she needed cheering up. And it worked for the most part. She felt relieved for that night and it made me happy that Christina had some sort of escape.

Kat has been staying with us while she grieves. She'll be moving back to America soon and staying in Eli's room, as she insisted, when we move out, which will be tomorrow. Kate has been trying her best but now she's comforting two visibly grieving people on top of her own grief, she's worrying herself about my pregnancy and Eli's absence of grief. I try to assure her that I, at least, am fine. The pregnancy is going great, we've hired a midwife and she'll come stay with us for about two weeks before the baby is born and we know her gender. Little Macsen is a girl.

I just hope that Eli isn't doing too much. She's been busy between the house and making a new season for Joey's Apocalyptic Diary, preparing to take over one of her parents businesses, and helping me around. My bump is massive so she's worried about me falling. I mean, it's cute but she worries too much.

Gemma has been trying to help out a lot. Her Dad is grieving but he prefers to grieve alone. So she's been busting herself with helping me pack, like right now, she's helping me with all the final packing. All that will be left tomorrow is the essentials in a small bag.

"I feel really bad because I'm not grieving and he is and I don't know how to help him. My other Dad is trying to help out but there's not a lot that I, as his daughter who has never met his mother, can do. And it's upsetting." Gemma ranted.

"I think the best you can do is give your dads some space. I'm sure Kevin will do what Malachi needs." I assure her.

"I hope so."

Eli came in then and took a look around, "Wow, I can't believe it's really happening."

"I know." I smile slightly at her.

"Thank you so much, Gemma. You've been a massive help. And I want you to know that you'll always have a room in our house." Eli said to Gemma and it pulled at my heartstrings because I've never heard be so sweet with my best friend.

"Hey, we're family. That's what family does. And thanks for the offer. I might take you up on that."

"Of course! As long as you help around and are okay with pets and babies."

"I'm fine with all of those. Thanks, Eli." she gave Eli a hug and a kiss on the head, "When are we gonna tell Phoenix about any of this?"

"I don't know. And I feel awful but if they're gonna judge me for having teddies then I dread to think what they'll say about Chanse." Eli huffed, sitting next to me.

"I say we tell them when the baby is born. They're gonna be butt hurt, but we'll just have to explain why and if they understand, then that's great." I chip in.

"Yeah, but what about me. I knew this whole time. I'm gonna be her Auntie for God's sake. I think that will be what hurts them most." Gemma said, sitting on my other side. I wrapped my arms around the two and pulled them in close.

"Let's worry about that when the time comes to it. But for now, let's revel in the fact that we've done so awesome so far. We're doing amazing." I say. Then Eli cried. She just sobbed. I unwrapped my arm from Gemma and held my girlfriend while she sobbed. I kiss her head and comfort her.

It had immediately clicked in my head was that all of her emotions had caught up to her. The grief, the stress, excitement, anxiety ect. It's all just come back and smacked her in the face. So I just held her and let her feel. I think that's what she needs from me right now.

"I'm so sorry." she sobbed.

"Hey, don't be sorry. Why are you sorry?"

"I don't wanna cry."

"It's good to cry. You need to let out all of your emotions and relieve yourself of the weight it has."

"I don't like crying."

"No one does, sweetheart. But we all do it."

"I feel awful." she said.

"I can't imagine how much you're feeling. You must be in so much pain and you've been so strong throughout all of this. So strong." I said as I squeezed her tightly.

"Thanks, Chansey." she sniffled. I heard Gemma whine because we all love it when Eli calls me Chansey.

"It's okay. I just want to be here for you. You know why?"

"Why?" she pulled away to look at me.

"Because I love you. So much."

"I love you, too." she smiled a little, "I'm gonna go wash my face." she went to get up.

"Wait," I grabbed her arm and pulled her back down. I took her face in my hands and kissed her softly, "Now you can go wash your face." Eli gave me one last kiss before leaving.

"You two are so adorable together," Gemma said.

"I know."

"I feel for her though. She must be so stressed. I wish I could-" Gemma was interrupted by her phone ringing. She picked it up and answered, "Hello?"

I assume that it was Phoenix so I tried to mind my business. I can't leave the room because I can't get up. This bump has gotten too big. So, I wait patiently for Gemma to finish her conversation with whoever is on the phone. She was smiling, so that's good.

"Okay, baby. Bye, I love you." she grinned as she hung up.

"You're so whipped." I shook my head.

"Says you," she sassed, looking down at my bump.

"That was a personal attack and I'm not here for it." I point my finger at her, "Don't bring the baby into this."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. That was a low blow. But anyways, Phoenix is happy. Their Mom has a new job and they're really proud of her because it's her dream job. Phoenix has been to their new school in Connecticut. They got into Yale, isn't that awesome?"

"So awesome. You're still going to UCLA right?"

"Yes! I'm so excited. I can't wait." she buzzed, "What about you?"

"Well, I'm going to UCLA too, but my semester will start later to accommodate the pregnancy."

"That's amazing! What about Eliza?"

"She's gonna take over one of her parents' businesses. I think it's the café." I say. Then I was reminded that Eli wanted to take my Mom out but she hasn't done it yet. It's been a busy last few months.

"Nice. I hope it'll help Christina a bit too. She deserves to relax a little."

"She does. And she's been so great with my pregnancy. Kate and Kat have been helping me out too. I just love this family. They're all so loving." I smile.

"They are pretty awesome. Your baby's gonna be so lucky."

"That she is."

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