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Being in Wales with Eli is so amazing. We gone out on cute couple walks and even a few dates. She took to me to a place called Mumbles Bay. It was really beautiful but Eli said that it's prime is during the snow season. And for Wales, that could be anytime between December and March, April if they're lucky.

But my favourite part about being here, is not missing out on waking up to her kissing my neck and loving on me. Like how she is doing now.

"Good morning, beautiful." she mumbled into my hair.

"Hi, baby. Did you sleep alright?" I sing.

"More than alright. Perfect, actually. How about you? How about the baby?"

"We're good. I'm not excited at all for the morning sickness, when it eventually comes." I say.

"I can't say that will be the best part about pregnancy." Eli chuckled.

I turn onto my back to face my girlfriend. My gorgeous girlfriend. I stare into her blue eyes. The blue eyes that I love so dearly.

"How are we going to tell our friends?" Eliza questioned.

"I guess we could just tell them straight. Gemma would be happy. She'd definitely ask to be their Auntie though."

"Of course she would. She's your best friend." Eli said with a smile, but I sense that there was a 'but'.

"Is there something else you want to say?" I ask.

"But I don't want Pheonix to know." she said.


"Well, they're not the most open-minded person when it comes to things that they don't understand. Like, with my teddies and they literally accused Gemma of cheating on them, with me. Then we find out that we're actually cousins and I never got an apology. Nor did I get one about the teddy thing. I just feel like they'd be quick to judge us, you." Eli explained.

"You think that they'll think I cheated?" I question.

Eli nodded. I guess it makes sense. Pheonix can be quite... Judgy sometimes. To a point where it's almost offensive. They're very quick to jump to conclusions.

"Okay," I nod, "I'll talk to Gemma. Today."

"But what about your Mom and your family?"

"I'm worried about telling them." I admit. "With your family, it's so easy because I feel unconditionally loved and supported. With my family, I feel like they are too protective and they might make us break up."

"By they you mean Damien." Eli corrected.

"Yeah. And she might hurt you. I don't want that. I love you too much to be the cause of your pain." After I said this, Eli straddled me and held my face in her hands.

"I will go through so much pain if it means that I'll get to spend the rest of my life with you, Chanse. I'd walk through Hell and back, a thousand times."

She leaned down and kissed my cheek. I pull her in for a big kiss. Tongue included. I find that my hands roam and so do hers. And soon, she's locking the door and stripping as my underwear is removed.

We quickly got down to business and I enjoyed every second of it. I love the pleasure that Eli gave me. I love the climax she gave me. I love her.

"Wow." she pants as she situates herself next to me.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you, too." she grins, "I can't believe that we made a child." her hand finds my stomach and rubs it. "Wow."

The Creator: UNKNOWNWhere stories live. Discover now